Part five: what da fuq just happened

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"So if no one knows what happened...then how do we know if tay and brandon used a condom, or if jay and cam had something go on?"says randy.

"Well i dont know so can we please change the subject? That was like two days ago." I say.


I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket. I pull it out and stare at the glowing screen.

Person: meet me in the park, by the water fountain.

Me: who the hell do you think you are?

Person: it dosent matter. Meet me here and nobody gets hurt today at 4:00 after school.

Me: how do you know that im at school freak. I can call the cops on you for stalk and black mail.

Stranger: princess i dont think you want to do that. If i see one cop your dead.

I dont reply. Instead i spent the rest of the day at school worried as the bell rings for dismissal. I'm walking home with taylor today.

"Hey i font thi k I'll be able to walk home today. Some creep got my number and is telling me to meet them at the park." I explain.

"Im going too, just incase." She says.

"No it will be fine, ill bring a knife or a banger," i assure.



I get to the fountain to see some guy that goes to our school. He was a dropout and i think his name is...phillip? Lets only say he and i never got along too well since taylor beat him up.

"What do you want freak?" I try sounding tough.

"I need 1,000 in cash."

"Or what?" I declare reaching in my back pocket in the direction of my knife i brought. I stick my hands in my back pockets casually.

"Do you want to find out?"

"Enlighten me in your tough ego," i assure. He takes a step forward and in an instant he is in my face, and i am holing my knife at his throat. "What are you going to do if i dont have your crack money?"

I bite my tounge wanting to slap myself for getting into this position. In the corner of my vision, i notice taylor coming in my direction. I stay in that same position with my knife at phillips throat. Taylor approaches.

"Wow if it isnt tweedly dee and tweedly dumb!" She points at phillip and his two friends backed off behind him. She starts laughing hystarically and i know shes faking being drunk. "Baby dont cry! You know youd love to hit it up with me!"

He throws his fist in her firection and she takes a barely hit punch to the jaw. "Now its rude to hit a girl!" I say and punch him in the throat, kneeing him in the testicles.

Taylor throws a few at the others, and once phillips on the ground i sit on his stomache, knife under my hand and smile.

"You werent really gonna cut me were you sweety?" At his comment out of anger i take the tip and draw imaginary circles in his chest with it.

"Right there," i say. And then i carve lines into his forearms as he winces in pain. I hop up and help taylor run off the last idiot stupid to be there.

Phillip and tweedly dumb lay on the ground attempting to get up and run. Dee, still stands waiting for his fight. "Ready?" She winks.

"Of course," i say. She stomps on his feet, and kicks his knees out. I pull is arm into an armlock and hear a snap. Taylor kicks his chest and we're done. We leave the last guy in the park with no proof. But me, i feel bad so i leave a quarter beside his hand. "Here buy yourself something pretty!" And we take out running away.

"No wonder nikis so afraid! You kicked their asses!"i say.

"Hell yeah bitch!" And we start our humt for the rest of the gang. Ha! So much for blackmailing me!

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