Chapter 1: 6 am morning breeze

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[Description on Raven: Black longish hair, darker tan, wears mostly black, wears eyeliner & lipstick]

The relationship goes pretty fast in the beginning but it's for a reason.

I just got out of my abusive household and I have nowhere to go. I figure I'll use little bit of money I have from working to get me an okay place to stay. I think I have maybe $400? I need to check. My father would take any money that I hadn't hidden for his own selfish desires and so I couldn't afford to leave any sooner.

I just turned 18 and I'm so glad I'm out of that house. I checked my phone and saw it was around 6 am. I had been roaming the small town for hours trying to find a place to stay. No luck. My stomach was grumbling so I figured I needed to eat something.

I turned a corner and saw the old diner called 'Mee Mee's diner'. Mee Mee or Mrs. Dottie the owner was a sweet lady that had always talked to me when I needed to. She was pretty much a mother figure to me. I walked up to the diner and opened the door.

"Hey Sweetheart! Happy late birthday," She said greeting me from behind the counter.

"Hey Mrs. Dottie. Thank you!" I said happily.

"Of course darling! How's 18 treatin' ya so far?," She asked curiously. She really was a mighty curious woman.

"It's been alright a bit tough getting out of the house but I'm okay," I replied.

"Ahh I see. But atleast you made it out. What do you want to eat?," Mrs. Dottie asked kindly.

"Hmm how about some pancakes and bacon?," I asked her smiling.

"Of course. Coming right up!," She said going off into the kitchen to tell the chef.

She came back in no time and started chatting with me again.

"So you got yourself a place yet?," She asked excitedly.

"Not exactly but I think I might soon. I just have a feeling," I responded.

"Hm hm hm. You and your feelings. You really are special sugar. That's not a bad thing," She explained.

I just light heartedly laughed.

I heard the diner door open.


I turn my head to see a pale black haired man with light makeup in a black t-shirt, casual pants, slightly platformed shoes, and a few necklaces.

Oh my god. He's hot.

I turn my head back to Mrs. Dottie as not to stare.

I heard the man sit down.

"What would you like?," She asked going over to him.

"Just a coffee with 2 sugars please." The unusual man replied.

Mrs. Dottie gave him his coffee and went to the kitchen door.

"Well I'm going to go check on the food," She said walking off.

I keep glancing at the peculiar man.

He took glances at me as well.

"Hi," He said taking one of his hands off his coffee cup to give a small wave.

"Hi," I waved back.

"Come here alot?," He says then before I can answer he says "That sounded creepy as shit,"

I laughed lightly and said "No no it's okay. You didn't sound creepy. I actually do come here quite a bit,"

He chucked and asked "So what's your name?,"

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