Chapter 2: Cobwebs

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[9:23 AM]

I felt someone move and I opened my eyes to see Wednesday. The sun was almost blinding. As my eyes adjusted I looked around. We weren't in his apartment...

"Wednesday where are we?," I questioned getting up.

"I have no fucking idea," He said confused just as I.

We looked around and noticed it was a damaged old abandoned house. Some of the floor boards were broken and sticking up. A few little bugs crawling around but they're harmless. We walked over towards the towering dark staircase.

"We'll that sure looks like a scarecase. Not very inviting," He chucked.

"Yeah it looks pretty um dangerous," I said looking at him.

"But we like dangerous," Wednesday winked.

"Hell yeah we do," I replied as we walked towards it.

He stopped and said "Remember yesterday when we were talking about singing?,"

"Which part?," I chuckled.

"The part about me 'having a sexy voice'. You never finished your sentence," He said prying.

"It doesn't matter. Don't worry about it," I replied.

"Please tell. I could sing an opera song right now. Okay okay. Aaaah-ah-," His vocal cords cracked.

I started giggling and said " Okay okay. I was saying how I bet that sexy voice of yours is good in bed," I said defeatingly.

"Oh? You want to test it out?," He said rising his eyebrows up and down.

I laughed and proceeded to say "Not right now.... but later,"

"Okay now let's go up the SCARECASE! Ooo I could write a song about that. What do you think?," Wednesday asked getting off topic.

"Yes I'm sure you could but lets check out the house first," I responded.

"Okay alright," He said going up the stairs.

We walked up the spooky steps and saw something vanish from view above the stairs. Me being perplexed I rushed up the stairs. Once I got up to the top I saw it turn a corner but I wouldn't dare follow. I just acknowledged and moved on. We went into the first room on the right. It was a bedroom for probably a teenager? Nothing too kiddish and nothing too older. In the room there was a few handmade dolls and stuffed animals. Old dead flowers in a vase along the windowsill following a stack of coins and collection of feathers. Not too much stuff but just enough for an exploring teen in the late 1800 or early 1900s.

I felt it was time to go to the next room and we went in. Definitely a parent's room including a small desk with fabric scraps and sewing needles. A few books by the bed on the bedside table and one feather pillow. I had a weird feeling to leave immediately.

"Wednesday, we need to leave," I said reaching for his hand.

"Okay," He replied quickly and we ran down the steep steps luckily not falling. I reached for the door and it was locked. We tried to push and even knock down the door but no dice. I decided to go to the kitchen and try the windows as he helped me.

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