Chapter 5: Miss Mourge

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I led him back to his bed and sat down as I smirked.

"Mario kart?," He questioned.

"Your on!," I replied as he threw me a controller. "What does the winner get?"

"Hmm one question of choice," He chuckled and I nodded. We played 3 rounds and he wound up winning. I huffed as he took in his glory dramatically as he threw his hands up saying "C'MON LEMME HEAR YOU YELL FOR THE WINNER!,".

"What's your question?," I asked curiously bringing him away from his shouting.

"Oh yeah. Will you touch me?," He asked as a smile crept onto his face. My cheeks flushed red and my heart sped up. I was not expecting him to say that.

"Will you?," He repeated then took off his jacket. I nodded touching his chest then I pulled away. He looked confused.

"There. I touched you," I laughed at his expression.

"Raven! You- Dammit! I didn't specify," Wednesday grumbled. "Give me another try!,"

"You said one question," I responded shaking my head. He pouted but I pushed him back onto the bed straddling him. Wednesday looked up smirking as he pulled me to his lips.

"Raven," He paused.

"Yeah," I asked as I pulled away.

"I know it already feels like this and I know we haven't known each other long but I want to officially ask. Will you be my girlfriend?," He questioned hopeful.

"Yes yes!," I exclaimed as I profusely nodded my head leaning into a kiss. It felt electrical almost like shockwaves running through my veins. But when I looked into his eyes I saw sparks. I kissed him deeper wanting more of that feeling. I suppose he did too because he shivered. Wednesday then pushed his tounge past my lips straight to mine. He suckled it for a minute but flicked his tounge up to the roof of my mouth. I instinctively purred. I pulled him closer to me and ran my tounge under his. While I did so he folded his tounge grazing repeatedly over the top of mine. He tried not to pull away as he panted into my mouth so I pulled away for him. Wednesday rested his head down on my chest breathing heavily. I pushed him down on the bed before getting on top of him. We began to make out in that position, his hands running over me, as I felt something under me. I pulled away blushing but still keeping my face inches from his.

"Say hello to my little friend," I heard Wednesday say looking straight at me. I busted out laughing as I flopped on him. He laughed with me as well but then we got serious. I slyly wandered my hand down him and in between his legs while kissing him. His eyes fluttered wide open. I moved my hand against his bulge and his hips bucked into my hand. I stopped and he whined grabbing my hand.

"Wednesday," I said aloud.

"Yeah?," He replied breathing heavy.

"Do you want me to-," I struggled to say but started over. "Do you want me to touch you here?," He nodded frantically. My eyes widened at the sight and thought. I brought my hands to the button on his pants and unbuttoned it. Wednesday became antsy under my touch and pulled his pants off throwing them in the other direction. He was just in his black boxers, his erection more noticeable now. I glided my hand over him and he groaned grabbing my hair.

"Please," Wednesday begged. I obliged and gave him what he wanted. I pulled down his boxers slightly looking into his eyes.

"Do you want me to- you know?," I asked.

"Yes please," He replied giving a whine. I pulled them off admiring his erect dick. I stopped, "Wednesday are you sure?,"

"Mhm," He responded. "Raven please," I nodded wrapping my hand around him. I looked directly into his eyes as I stroked upward. Wednesday's head flew back and I made my way back down continuing my motion. I pumped him in my hand as his jaw dropped. I ran my thumb over the tip and he shot up his eyes were wide as he panted. I brought my hand back to jerking him off occasionally rubbing over his tip, earning a reaction every time. I stopped and he tried to move against my hand but I pulled away. Wednesday whined as he pleaded me to continue.

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