Chapter 3: The Mill

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"Goodmorning Sweetheart," said the calming voice.

I uncovered myself as I looked at Wednesday sitting on the edge of the bed beside me.

"Goodmorning," I said yawning then stretching my arms. "Where are we?,"

"The farm with the mill," He chucked at my confusion.

"Wait what?! We made it?," I asked excitedly.

"Yep, we made it," He responded smiling at me as he took a sip of his coffee.

"So this wasn't a dream?," I questioned sitting up as I leaned into him.

"Nope," Wednesday said as he sat down his coffee cup on the bedside table.

"But yesterday was," He said and bit his lip as he groaned. I blushed at the sound of him. I placing my hand on his thigh going up. "I heard you all night. 'Ohh Wednesday'," He played around making his voice higher. I just smacked his arm and brought him back to my lips as I drew my hand further.

"I could get used to this," He said turning his head into the crook of my neck. "You treat me so special,"

I felt his breathe on my neck right before he put them to. He began sucking lightly then he kissed his way to my lips.

"It's time to get up. We got alot more walkin' to do today," He whispered close to my face as he pulled away from my lips. I nodded my head and followed him outside. He kept looking for something.

"Thank you Mr. Sal," Wednesday said walking up to the old man.

"Your welcome. You kids stop by anytime. Your more than welcome in my house," Mr. Sal smiled back.

"Thank you sir," I said smiling as he gave the pigs some vitamins in their troughs.

"Your welcome. Come back soon lil lassy and lil sassy," He chuckled pointing at me then Wednesday. We smiled then said our goodbyes and went back onto the trail walking back.

"Wednesday, did you ask him for directions?," I asked curiously.

"Of course I did. I'm not that stupid," He responded pulling out an old map. I looked over and noticed his dirty hands.

"Why are your hands so dirty?," I questioned as I nudged his side as we walked.

"I helped Mr. Sal out this morning," He replied casually.

[Wednesday's Flashback]

I opened my eyes and rolled over onto my size reaching for Raven. She snuggled into my arms for a minute until I had to get up.
Maybe one more minute wouldn't hurt. I nussled my head into her neck and placed light kisses. She then curled into me more smiling but still asleep. I managed to get up when she turned over. I placed a kiss on her forehead then threw my band shirt on. I had taken it off last night because I got hot. I opened the bedroom door and walked out of the house looking for the kind man on the farm.

"Goodmorning Mr. Sal," I said approaching him.

"Mornin'," He replied stopping his work going over to me.

"Do you need any help,?" I asked smiling.

"I can always use some help," He replied and pointed "There's gloves in the shed,"

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