Chapter 6: I'll rot with you

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I woke up confused and sweaty. Wednesday and I had fallen asleep shortly after but it's not morning yet. I reached for Wednesday but I felt nothing so I rubbed my slightly clouded eyes. He was no where to be seen. I got up to look for him. I tip-toed down the hallway and past the cold empty bathroom to the kitchen. I saw no signs of him so ventured silently into the open living room. Nothing seemed off or out of place. No trails of lights, no boot scuffs, nothing. Where the hell is he? I proceeded to make my way to an unknown door. The door was peeped open a bit and light immediately flooded from within. I pushed it open looking around the filled room and saw no sign of Wednesday again. I tried to lightly step eventhough I have 'loud feet' according to everyone. I almost feel like I'm doing something wrong but something feels off. Eventhough I'm looking for him I feel as if I'm doing something wrong, the last time I went 'snooping' as my dad called it, I got beat. I know Wednesday wouldn't do that to me though....would he? I searched around the room I saw nothing out of place like it would be if he was in here. Out of pure curiosity I went over to these drawers and began to open them one at a time. The first had other weapons that apparently were too concealable and small to go anywhere else. The next had random knives and the one below it contained miscellaneous guns. You'd think he'd be a little more inconspicuous and careful with the placement of these but then again he's Wednesday. He might not be an Addams' but he sure acts like it and has all the tools to fit the role. I opened the next drawer and gasped at the sight a bit shocked at what I'm looking at. A lock of hair and bones. I thought about it....didn't realize what the hell is going on. There's obviously something he hasn't told me. I shut the drawer and reluctantly stepped out of the now not unknown room to go looking elsewhere. While I made my way back to the bedroom to double check I heard a creek. Fuck. That sounded close. I silenced my movements and with how fast I jumped back in bed it felt like I was flying. I curled up and closed my eyes pretending to sleep. I heard the creaking footsteps getting closer. I heard a creak after another straying near the bed. Every slow aching second that went by made my heart pound more. I was so filled to the brim with anxiety I forgot to breathe and that made me cough. I instantly knew I fucked up. Immediately after I stiffened and my ears perked listening to the now hushed room. After that little mishap my anxiety was through the roof. I heard a footstep slowly move against the floor making me jump. Shit. Fuck. Shit fuck! The footsteps arrived at the edge of the bed and I sucked in a breath. I suddenly realized....Why am I so scared? It's just Wednesday right? I kept my breathing still as Marigold's words invaded my mind.

"That's not Wednesday,"

Without a seen movement above the covers I had grabbed my knife and firmly gripped it in my hand ready to swing. I launched myself up meeting the harmful gaze looking across at me. I rammed myself forward plunging the knife into their upper stomach. Blood flowed down their clothes but they acted like it didn't even happen. I ran for that 'unknown room' fleeing my attempted capture. The gash in their upper side did not stop them and certainly did not slow them down. I quickly opened the door and locked it behind me. I ran to the drawers and pulled out a gun along with 2 knives. A loud bang was heard from the door. I placed the straps for the knives securely around my waist and the other for my leg. I held the gun checking the bullet count and their was only 2 out of 6. The banging kept continuing as the knob rattled. I frantically searched through other drawers to find bullets for the specific gun and luckily found them rather quickly considering my life or death situation at foot. The weight of the person was being pushed full force into the locked door and almost broke it but they had to go back further. They began to ram in the door again and I cocked the gun in my hands. I gripped it firmly not putting my finger on the trigger just yet. I want to know who my attacker is preferably before I shoot them. The door broke in and the attacker trudged forward breathing heavily. My eyes caught sight of the person standing now infront of me. Caym stood before me his gaze reaching out towards me. His neck twitched and cracked. My feet took a step backwards not in fear but in attempt to predict his movements to come. I averted my gaze from his cold dead eyes to the darkness shadowing behind him. Just upon his coat lied the consuming black from the night coating throughout the house. He lunged towards me in a threatening manner but his eyes not blinking once. His eyes enveloped the light surrounding us making his eyes not only glimmer in the rims but reflect. Caym's eyes mirrored the future and that insight was special to some. Some craved his sight and pre-vision. Others destined for it and prayed to a so called higher power. But I didn't want insight, I had my own. My eyes reflected off of his dark steamy ones almost in a battle of the future. The future can always change that's the tricky thing. But once you see something whether it really happens in this timeline or not you can never unsee it. He strode forth with a long knife plunging it into my side then pulling it out. The blood trickled down my side and I took this as an opportunity. I put my finger on the trigger and shot. He moved rather quickly to dodge it and I took another shot at him. It hit him straight in the shoulder. His left one to be exact. I awaited his next move. His eyes flickered to the drawers. His curiosity got the better of him. I had taken yet another shot and hit him in the collarbone. Blood lightly splattered the room like a spritz and coated through his jacket.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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