Chapter 4: Friends & Foes

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I woke up reaching for Wednesday but found he wasn't beside me in the bed. My stomach grumbled so I reluctantly got up out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Before I arrived in there I heard Wednesday on the phone. So of course being nosey I listened.

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow at midnight. Sharp," He spoke and added to his conversation right before he hung up. 'What the hell was that about' I thought walking over to him turned. He turned around to continue whatever he was doing before and saw me standing right there. His eyes opened wide as I just stared at him.

"Goodmorning," Wednesday gulped.

"Morning," I replied not asking any questions yet as I made my way over to his fruit bowl. I grabbed an apple and sat down. He finally moved and sat down next to me.

"How did you sleep?," He asked sweetly.

"Don't bullshit me," I said not even looking at him.

"What are you talking about?," He tried to smooth over.

"You know what I'm talking about," I turned my head.

"No I don't," He said more confidently than before.

"Mhm," I said a bit pissed "Then what the fuck was that phone call,"

"Dammit. I was hoping you didn't hear," He smiled nervously.

"Well I did so.... what was it about?," I asked a bit snarky.

"Nothing," He responded getting up trying to walk away. I grabbed him and made him sit back down.

"It's not 'nothing'," I air quoted. He sighed frustrated.

"C'mon chop chop," I said fully turning to him. Wednesday didn't say or do anything, he just stared at me.

"I'm going with you," I said smiling.

"No! You cant," He said almost nervous.

"Why not?," I started. "Have some secrets?,"

"Yeah. I bet you have your fair share as well," He replied finally crossing his arms.

"I do. But it sounds like you need help. Your too nervous to do this by yourself," I say a bit worried what he might say.

"I've done this before," He briefly says.

"Oh I know but this isn't just anyone your doing business with," I responded.

"True, I might need your help," He softens up.

"Okay we need to figure out a plan," I said plotting.

"Yeah.... Are you going to be seen with me?," Wednesday questioned.

"That depends on who this is," I replied.

"You are experienced in this stuff. What have you done before?!," He said randomly but shocked.

"I've done probably too much. Gotten myself into lots of trouble, made some stupid decisions. I'm a darker person than you most likely think. But that doesn't matter at the moment. I'll tell you my story one day but for now I have to be a little secretive for the thrill. Who are we dealin' with now?," I explained smirking.

"Caym, that's what they call him atleast," He tells me.

"A demon from hell, that's what it means. I know of him," I reply intrigued. Wednesday and I planned for around an hour on what were going to do tonight.

We are going to trick a motherfucker.

While he was gathering his thoughts together, I tapped his arm. He jumped slightly not expecting me to touch him. He turned his head and sighed relieved. He pulled me into him for a hug and I squeezed back. We stood there until I got a text message.

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