~ Chapter 1: New Life, New Future ~

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At the marketplace, Aladdin and Y/N takes the loot he stole from Abis Mal and throws it to the ground below. True helps out as she slings the gems away with her tail.

"What?" Abu questioned.

Aladdin and Y/N continues to sprinkle the gold down on the grateful Agrabanians. Abu, willing to keep the treasure, freaks out and drapes himself over the sack, refusing to go hunting.

"No! No!" Abu shook his head.

"Abu!" Aladdin and Y/N scolded.

"No!" Abu argued.

"We're not the ones who need this money."

Aladdin throws a gold stick down, and it is caught by the old man, who grins happily. Y/N throws some of the gold to a poor woman and her children. They rejoice at their newfound fortune.

"A miracle." Poor Mother smiled.

"Rain on me!"

"Gold from the heavens!"

Meanwhile, Abu dejectedly flicks a small emerald to the ground. Then Aladdin takes the jeweled flower from his vest while Y/N puts on the snake pendant around her neck True has given her.

"Don't worry, Abu. I'm not throwing everything."

"Neither am I surprisingly."

Abu jumps triumphantly.


Y/N pets True on the head.

"Thanks for the gift. Here's yours."

She puts on a pearl bracelet she loot around True's neck as a necklace, making her smile in glee.

"Thanks, Y/N!"

Aladdin holds up the rose as he looks at it.

"This...is for Jasmine."

Abu looks shocked while Y/N and True smiled in awe.


Carpet makes his road up to the palace towers. Meanwhile, Aladdin and Y/N lands on one of the palace's balconies, and he immediately winces at something.


It is revealed to be Rajah, Jasmine's pet tiger, who growls at the street rat and his pet monkey.

"Uh-oh!" Abu gulped.

Y/N and True though stood there calmly as they watched.

Rajah advances on Aladdin, not fond of his intrusion and gets ready to attack. Aladdin stretches his arms in front of him to try and calm the ferocious tiger.

"Easy, Rajah. You know me...Aladdin!"

Rajah jumps on him, and eventually recognizing the street rat, licks his face affectionately.

"Alright, Rajah, alright. I'm glad to see you as well!" Aladdin laughed.

"Okay, you had your fun." Y/N chuckled.

Rajah gets off of Aladdin and comes over to Y/N, who gives him a good scratch on the chin, and Abu sighs in relief, knowing that the tiger won't try to cut them to pieces. Aladdin gets up and recomposes himself. After Aladdin gets up and straightens himself up, he looks at his friends and his sister.

"Ahem. How do I look?"

Y/N, True, Rajah and Abu look at Aladdin confusedly, not knowing how he can look any different than before being pounced.

"I think you look fine."

Aladdin turns and sees Jasmine coming out of her room, making him grin.


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