~ Chapter 5: Do The Right Thing ~

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Back at the palace dungeon, it was now daybreak. Aladdin has spent a miserable night. The latter is sitting on the floor in despair, thinking his fiance has sentenced him to death for supposedly assassinating her father and his dear sister. The former, however, cannot shake the feeling that something is very wrong. But before he can figure out what's wrong, Razoul bursts in and sniffs the air deeply.

"Ah, dawn!"

Razoul, flanked by two other guards, escort Aladdin up the stairs. Meanwhile in Jafar's lair, he transforms back into Jasmine and starts toward the door.

Fake Jasmine turns smugly to the real Jasmine.

"I'll warn your boyfriend a farewell for you, Princess."

"No!" Y/N exclaimed, still struggling to fight back these chains.

Sultan is also fighting through chains..

"If I get ahold of you, Jafar..."

Abu screeches frustratedly at Jafar while True hisses.

Fake Jasmine said sarcastically, in Jafar's voice.

"I'm soooooOOOO concerned."

The evil ex-sorcerer leaves the room to see Aladdin's final moments. Iago just sighs, relieved that his former master has eventually left. Meanwhile, Razoul leads Aladdin further up the tower stairs. Cut back to Jafar's lair, with the evil ex-vizier gone, Iago lets out a loud, anguished shriek and proceeds to rescue the only one who can help Genie. Jasmine, however, wastes no time interrogating the not-so-reformed parrot. Y/N notices Iago's doing and questions his loyalty.

"How could you double-cross Aladdin after all he's done for you?!" Jasmine demanded.

Abu chatters frustratedly at him.

"Hey, do I insult your mother?"

Abu, shocked that Iago will speak about his mother like that, just scoffs. Then the parrot pecks on the crystal ball, but only ends up bending the tip. He straightens it and pecks harder, but this does not work either. The three prisoners recoil at the sound.

"What are you doing now?" Y/N asked.

Iago is busy hitting the crystal ball with the wooden plank.

"Oh, what does it look like I'm doing here? I'm trying to free the chump leprechaun where he can save your chump brother!"

The plank breaks in two and conks Iago on the head. He squawks in frustration.


Back to the tower, Razoul and his prisoner eventually get to the top. In front of them is a forge, and a blacksmith is tempering something. Razoul motions for him to stop, and the blacksmith sharpens a sword on a grindstone. He checks the sword while Razoul puts on an executioner's hood, grinning triumphantly at the street rat he is so eager to eventually be rid of. The blacksmith hands him the sword and he slices through a wooden beam. It splits in two, and falls to the floor. Aladdin looks on in shock as he is led to a pavilion of some sorts high above the streets of the city.

Aladdin does not respond, as he is certain his end has come. Meanwhile in Jafar's lair, Iago removes the crystal ball from its stand, fighting under its weight and throws it to the floor. Unfortunately, it just bounces along and does not break.

"You have to lift it higher!" Jasmine advised.

Iago gasps for breath.

"Sure. No problem."

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