~ Prologue ~

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(This is your new outfit. Again, the art nor the OC is not mine.)

Desert at night. As the movie opens, the peddler, who started off last time, sings a different version of Arabian Nights as a band of thieves ride through the night toward parts unknown following a raid in an also undisclosed location.

"Follow me to a place

Where incredible feats are routine every hour or so,

Where enchantment runs rampant gets wild in the streets

Open sesame, here we go!

Arabian nights, like Arabian days

They tease in action,

Take off and take flight,

They shock and amaze

Arabian nights, like Arabian days

More often than not are hotter than hot in a lot of good fashions"

As the song continues, the thieves and their steeds ride towards an opening in a tall ridge. They cross over a pit, through a long tunnel and into the ruins of an underground temple, which is revealed to be their hideout.

"Pack your shields, pack your swords

You won't ever get bored,

Though get beaten or gored if you might

C'mon down, stop on by

Jump a carpet and fly to another

Arabian night!

Arabian niiiiight!"

The song ends, and the thieves enter their hideout. Decayed or fallen columns litter the area, and several other unknown thieves peer from behind them as their comrades return with the loot they have plundered, mostly gold coins, jewels and a chest.

"This night has been quite rewarding." One of the thieves grinned.

"We have never stolen so much." Thief 2 laughed.

As he speaks, a furry hand snatches a golden cup from and other stuff from Thief #1, while a blue tail snatches other more loots from Theif #2, but they take no notice.

"We have gathered much loot tonight. No thanks to our leader."

The two thieves look frustratedly towards a short, obese man with tan skin, black hair and goatee wearing a turban and red shoes. This is their so-called "leader", Abis Mal. As we see him, he has his hand stuck in the neck of a vase. He eventually pulls it free and lands on a rock, but the vase wobbles and breaks. His men frown at him for his blunder.

"Well, it only *looked* expensive."

He opens the chest to reveal its contents are several gold items.

"Is this a haul or what, my surly band of desert skunks?"

Mal reaches into the chest, and takes out what appears to be a crystallized flower. Then he puts it in his belt, irking his men even further. He even found a Gold Plated Water Drop Crystal Green Zircon Snake Pendant and puts it around his neck.

 He even found a Gold Plated Water Drop Crystal Green Zircon Snake Pendant and puts it around his neck

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