~ Chapter 3: Girl Talk ~

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Y/N lies there on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, she heard a knock on a window. She comes over and opens it to see Aladdin on a carpet with a smile on his face. She scoffs and was about to close the window on him.

(This is where my favorite part begins.)

"Wait! Let me explain."

"You won't talk me out of this, Aladdin. I'm going to close the window on you if you don't get out. I'm not in a mood."

"Alright. I'll leave you alone. Bye."

Carpet flies Aladdin away as he gives her a wave. This surprised her.

"Uh, okay.."

Y/N was about to close the window when Aladdin came back.

"But I do wanted to let you know that Iago helped me and Jasmine mend things out."

She raised her eyebrow.

"He did?"

Jasmine pops out from behind Aladdin.

"Yep. It was all thanks to him I realize I can't stay mad at him if I still love him."

"Wow... That's awfully nice of him."

Iago flies up to her.

"Why thank you, sweetheart! You should talk to Aladdin. He really means well."

Y/N looks at Aladdin, feeling unsure.

"Come on, sis. Bring it in." Aladdin said, bringing out his arms.

Y/N turned away from him.


"Okay, but maybe this will change yourmind. Hit it, Genie!"

Genie happily turns into a DJ and plays a beat music. Aladdin begins dancing.

"First, I'm gonna loosen up these ancient joints!"

Y/N sees where this is going.

"No. Please don't."

"I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry that I kept a secret from you

It hadn't been on my mind

I just thought I'd do the right thing"

"Stop!" Y/N tried not to smile, but her mouth kept going up.

"And now you're in your room

And you won't give me a chance

You won't give me a chance"

"Okay, okay! Just stop!"

Aladdin stopped singing and dancing as Genie turned off the music. Y/N smiled and hugged her brother.

"Oh, I can't stay mad at you. I know you mean well. But please be careful who you trust."

"Don't worry, sis."

"Yay! All that's left is making up with the Sultan!" Genie cheered, bringing out fireworks.


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