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I stood bored out of my mind. It seemed so strange after everything that happened. The school, the monsters, the war that killed so many of my friends, marching us half way across Europe, and it was all over. I was sent home back to this little village, and expected just to get on with my life like I hadn't just witnessed horrors unimaginable by man. No just expected to get a job, get a house, get a wife and have children like… like none of it even happened. Sometimes I wonder if it did like it was all some cruel nightmare that if I just pinched myself I'd wake up form but it never was. I had to get a job once I got back home to afford a little house on the hill, so I worked in the little shop, it wasn't much but it paid the bills. And… it had its perks, firstly a job I don't really do all that much in, secondly as many lemon drop candies as I could seak without getting caught and of course my favorite perk -

"Good morning" her cheery voice gleamed as she wondered in the door in her usual little white and grey dress her hair in a tight updo away from her face, no make up to mention, and her hands a bright white from flour. The baker's daughter there shop is just across the way so I'm able to look out the window all day and watch her making bread, and cakes, and pretzels and all sorts of delicious things. Before I left for war the baker had a son who worked in the shop but he came to war with me so I only assume she took over his duties and had kept the job as she was so much better at it then he ever was. We had a close relationship with the bakery given the small village and all she would come in everyday and pick up the things they needed in the bakery and if course they would give us baked goods in return it was a good system. And of course every Thursday morning she would come in and do her personal shopping for her little house down by the river. It could be said I had a crush of sorts and even that perhaps we might have been…. Courtingly since my return, I had taken her to a few dances and we'd gone on a few walks together but nothing too serious, I'm sure she had other men courting her so I didn't want to make a fool of myself

"Good morning y/n" I smiled as she came to the counter 

"I've got a long list timothy are you ready?" She giggled

"Born ready, come on what else have I got to do" I laughed

"I need, 500 grams of flour"

"Okay" making a note checking our stock "got it"

"A dozen eggs?"

"Uhhhh got them"

"Five hundred grams of cheddar"

"Ohh only got four"

"Four will do I suppose" she sighed "three chicken breasts and as much sugar as you have I'm completely out" 

We went in for a while listing everything she needed, all the little things her house was getting low on

"Alright" I nodded going and getting her everything she wanted as it was littered around the store wrapping and bagging it all up for her "quite a bit this week you must be busy" I told her as I finished up 

"I like to be prepared"

"I know you do" I laughed adding everything up for her I gave her the total and she happily paid so I smiled giving her a few orange drops as I know she likes them 

"Thank you timothy" she smiled

"Your welcome"

"I'm going to be making hunter chicken tonight" she says 

"Ohh sounds divine"

"I always make..  a little extra, maybe I could have someone else come help me out?"

"You could? And I do know… someone who likes your hunters chicken, shall we say half five? At your place?" I suggested leaning on the counter

"Half four, and you can help me make dessert" she smiled giving my lips a little kiss, I happily kissed her back fr a good while till she pulled away "see you later Mr Latimer" she smiled taking her things and heading out 

"See you later y/n" I smiled waving to her as she left. 

Timothy Latimer ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now