Beyond The Fireplace

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I sat on the clawfoot blue chair on the little blue and grey manor rug, the fire beside me flickering and cracking slightly as it attacked the wooden log. The little silver frames lined the mantle with all the various little sepia photos within them. 

I held my copy of Frankenstein in hand and my cigarette in the other often times bringing it to my lips and blowing smoke towards the fireplace.

I heard the sudden chimes of the grandfather clock in the hallway singing its song which made me sigh I put my book away and put out my cigarette getting up and straightened my dress. 

I walked through the house hearing the clack of my heels on the wooden floors I headed out the living room, down the corridor, up the spiral stairs, along the corridor and peaking inside the study door where the sounds of clacking came the waves of dancing shadows from the candles within. 

I took a breath and tapped on the door,

"Come" He answered

So I stepped inside nervously standing on the rug watching timothy sat at his desk in the darkness with only a candle beside him as he worked typing away 


"Oh, Hello y/n" 

"don't you think its time for bed?"

"I've barely started"

"it's half nine timothy, you've been working all day"

"Just a little while longer"

"well, I just wanted to remind you to come to bed"


"You didn't come to bed last night"

"Y/n." he sighed stopping the typing "I am trying to work!"

"Sorry" I answered sheepishly heading to bed alone as usual. 

I struggled to hold back my tears and my anger as darkness flooded the house I tried to sleep but as I did most nights I found it impossible, and in the darkness, I noticed a strange red glow I worried of course if a fire had started so I wrapped my robe around me and headed into the corridor the light seemed to be coming from downstairs, I wanted to call timothy but he was busy in his office. so I headed down alone I'd call him if I needed him heading down following the light into the living room, it seemed to be coming from... beyond the fireplace as if the fire was on the other side but no fire was burning, I bent down looking though it was this glowing tunnel like a doorway I couldn't help my curiosity and I crawled through the fireplace.

Until I arrived in the living room again.

but it was different... The rug and chair now red the frames gold on the mantle 

 I walked through the house before arriving in the kitchen the sky dark, the kitchen finished its renovations with the sweet burgundy cabinets and stood there was Timothy in black suit pants, and a red shirt as he cooked 


"Ohh? Hello there Darling" He cooed and he turned to see me and I noticed... his eyes. 

Or well lack they're off. 

He had completely black eyes. 

Like someone had plucked out his eyes and replaced them with large black marbles.

"Hu- You are not my husband" I gasped moving back

"Aww I'm your other husband silly girl" He smiled giving my cheek a kiss "sit down suppers almost ready"

"My Timothy doesn't make supper... anymore"

"well I have all the time in the world" he smiled "what would I have to do that's more important than taking care of my lovely lady" 

Timothy Latimer ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now