Everything Is On Me

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"John! You have to stop this! You're hurting too many people!"

"Tch." The ravenette grit his teeth in anger, whipping around to face the desperate pinkette behind him. "Don't you start now! Mom and Dad have already tried cramming that bullsh*t in my head! It's all a bunch of nonsense!"

"It's not nonsense, John! Can't you see all the people you're hurting? You're just doing the same thing they did to you, but worse!" Tears began to form in the short girl's eyes as she practically begged her brother to just listen to her.

"Good! They all deserve it!" Was the only response she got back and she turned her amber gaze to the ground, a stray tear gliding down her cheek.

"Even Claire and Adrion? Your friends? One of which you've known since you were a toddler. The one who stuck with you and has offered his continuous support even after your birth parents were killed? Does he deserve this—"

"Shut up!" John screamed at his sister, his golden eyes locking with her amber ones. She knew she had struck a nerve, but she didn't know what else to do. "You don't know sh*t about what I've been through because you were born with a privileged life so stay the f*ck out of my way! I am the King, so I have the right to do as I please and that includes putting all the trash in their place!" The ravenette turned on his heel and started stomping away, ignoring the flood of tears spilling down Remi's face before stopping suddenly and turning back to look over his shoulder. "Don't make me have to put you in your's."

And with that, he left, ignoring the soft whisper that drifted across his ears.

"Rei…why do you have to be all the way in Wellston…?"

John jolted awake, bolting upright in his bed as he tried to get his heavy breathing under control. The boy ran a hand through his damp hair, a sheen of sweat coating his body and dripping down his bare torso as he blinked away the tears threatening to fall.

He had yet another nightmare of his awful past, once again reminding him of the awful person he was, no is.

It had been a year since he had enrolled into Wellston Private High School and he was now in his third year of high school with his sister, Remi, while Rei was in his third year of college at Wellston University.

He couldn't say it was all that bad. He had managed to make a really good friend who he treasured just as much as his family (although he got a lot of teasing from Rei when he first introduced her to him). Of course, Remi had also tried to introduce her dark-haired brother to her friends, more specifically a redhead and an orange and black-haired dual-haired teen that she had hung out with most often, but John could tell that he wasn't liked very much by the two.

Isen was afraid of him, even if he had never done anything to hurt him or threaten him, and Blyke just didn't respect him.

The redhead didn't approve of someone with such a strong ability refusing to use it for anything.

But John couldn't use his ability, he wouldn't. Only two things came from his power and that was destruction and pain. He'd seen it too many times during Keon's lessons to know that. He didn't want to hurt anyone else. Especially his family again and his best friend, Seraphina.

Shaking himself from his thoughts with his breathing back under control, John threw his blankets off of him and grabbed his phone off the wooden nightstand next to him.

He clicked the power button, squinting against the brightness in the dark room as the phone lit up, displaying the time as five in the morning in big white numbers at the top of the screen. He wasn't supposed to be up for another hour, but he knew going back to sleep would be pointless as he knew he wouldn't.

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