『 Chapter 22: The Legend of The BoneKnapper P.2 』

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"I was stranded on an island with only my broom!" He exclaimed, "It was a very small island. It's no wonder the Boneknapper found me again. He never forgave me for taking that treasure." At this point you decided to close your eyes and try to ignore Gobber's nagging voice, "But then from the depths of the ocean lept, a giant hammerhead whale!" You removed your arm from your face and looked at the man with disbelief. There was no way any of this happened.

"Woah!" Fishlegs exclaimed, apparently he believed this, "And the hammerhead whale ate the Boneknapper?"

Gobber grinned, "Almost- but he got away. Years later the dragon hunted me down again and chased me into the jungle!" See the first story he told today was believable, but now all of these were sounding fake, "All I had was my trusty egg beater. I carved through that thick brush as fast as a jungle cat. Still, the Boneknapper was right behind!" You groaned, and the other teens looked at you, agreeing, "I ran up the side of a volcano and courageously lept across the fiery crater." If he had just kept the stories simple they would have been believable, "Then, deep within the burning volcano, burst forth a giant hammerhead yak!"

You chuckled, imagining a hammerhead yak, "Okay, wait a minute. Now you're saying a giant hammerhead yak lept out of a fiery volcano and ate the Boneknapper?" You heard some rustling next to you as Hiccup sat down. You glanced over at him and sent him a tired smile. He chuckled lightly, reaching out and brushing some of your hair out of your face. You leaned up slightly and shifted your body before leaning your head on his thigh, looking up at him. He placed his hand on your head and stroked your hair lightly.

"Ha!" Gobber called out, "You would've thought so, wouldn't you? But the dragon got away again!" He growled, "I knew that boney scoundrel would keep coming after me! So, I set up a gauntlet of traps and waited for the beast." He started, earning another sigh from you.

"And when he was ready... he charged!" Gobber swung his hands around, "And then I ran like the wind, but the traps failed! Then, captured, I did what any brave Viking would do... I called for help!" He mimicked the voice of what sounded like a woman calling for help, "The gods must have heard my prayer. I looked up in the clouds and it was Thor!" He made an "oo" -ing noise, "He tossed a mighty thunderbolt. But he hit the ground! I thought he missed, but he told me "Wait for it!"." Gobber bellowed in a deep voice, "Then from the center of the earth, blasted forth... the hammerhead yak riding the hammerhead whale." You chuckled slightly before looking up at Hiccup who also had a smile on his face.

The children back on Berk must love Gobber's stories.

"As they ate the dragon they fell back to the earth. The whale gave me a salute as he disappeared into the ground." Gobber finished.

Fishlegs let out a woah, "The whale saluted you?" He asked, believing the story.

"Haha! Can you believe it? But the Boneknapper got away again! He found me..." Gobber started but you tuned him out only hearing Snotlout instead. You sat up and leaned against Hiccup's shoulder.

"Are you kidding? I don't believe any of this." Snotlout growled, pointing at the man.

Ruff and Tuff nodded, "You totally made everything up!" Tuffnut said.

"It's time to get out of here!"

"We need to get home!"

Tuffnut spoke up once more, "You don't even have any proof that that thing exists."

"Of course I have proof. I still have the treasure!" Gobber said, pointing at Tuffnut, he then threw the rock he was sharpening his hook with and stood up, pulling up his belt, "It's this stunning belt buckle!" He revealed a small t-shaped bone, "It was in the Viking's treasure chest. It's kept my pants up for years."

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