Chapter 68: Alpha Who?

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I felt the leaves crunch under my feet as I swiftly ran through the woods. My heart racing as I tried to navigate the woods without alerting the others. I can't have Greyson or the pack here me. If Greyson finds out that I have gone behind his back, he'll kill me.

I suddenly heard a noise to my right, and I quickly hid myself in between the trunks of this tree. Easing myself into the tree, I held my breath. I felt my fingers dig into the wood as I tried to calm my racing heart. I needed to calm down so I can put my focus on my surroundings. However, it's hard to relax when I can be killed any second.

They can't catch me. Come on, Ridley. Pull yourself together. Goddes, please, don't let them catch me. I have to help the packs. I have to help Lana.

My thoughts were interrupted as the crunching of leaves and breaking of branches grew louder. I knew they were somewhere around me. I could feel them close. Crouching down, I prepared myself to run and shift if need be.

To my left I saw a large, light-brown wolf sniffing around. It had caught my scent and was trying to see if it could find me. However, it should be difficult since I worked hard to hide my scent.

Quite a few miles back I had jumped into the stream, and then proceeded to cover my body in mud. I have made a point to hide my scent. I was trained well to mask my scent.

I watched as he scoured the area. My eyes narrowed when he turned his head toward my location.

There is no way he can sense me. I would be shocked if he could. I have managed to keep still and steady my heart in the time hes been here. I also was really well hidden in these trees that are clustered together. There is no way he knew.

I slide more into the tree and tried to get a better look without being caught. I could barely see his wolf where I am, but I could tell he was beautiful.

Moving my head a little more away from the tree, I chanced a peek. I noticed he now had his back to me. I noticed he was much bigger than the average wolf. That means he is an Alpha. He could be a Beta, but I could feel the power radiating off of him which means he's an Alpha.

I felt myself turn more toward him and away from the tree. I couldn't help but be curious about this wolf. It's definitely not Greyson. I know his wolf to know if that was him or not.

This Alpha infront of me intrigued me, and I don't know why. I have never met him, and for some reason a part of me wants to. A part of me wants to climb out of the spot I'm hiding in and meet him. I want to...

I froze as I heard a branch snap and glanced down. I had stepped on a branch. I felt my heart start to race and my eyes widen. Oh shit...

I quickly glanced up and saw the Alpha had turned towards me. I didn't realize it, but I subconsciously stepped out from between the trees. I was so lost in my thoughts that I had somehow moved out of the trees.


watched as the Alpha's eyes ran over my body. I tried to will myself to move, but I couldn't. My body just wouldn't move. I don't know if it was fear or shock that held me hostage to this spot. However, I do know that I wasn't ready for what happened next.

At that exact moment the Alpha's eyes met mine and that's when my world ended. I felt my heart stop and my breathe catch in my throat.

His hazel eyes were beautiful.  It was like windows into his soul. I saw how his eyes reflected light and love. I saw life play withinn them. I wanted to be apart of that life.

I wanted him. I wanted this Alpha.

I grasped my chest as the feeling grew stronger. I was losing my mind. I was losing focus of what I was supposed to be doing.

My feet started to move on their own. I felt my wolf coming forward.

I was terrified, yet so overwhelmingly excited.

The Alpha in front of me seemed to be struggling with the same feeling. I watched as his body shook and he tried to collect himself. However, he was fighting a losing battle. We both were.

Suddenly, his body shifted back into human form. He was on his knees now, and I was standing infront of him.

He was looking into my eyes in his open glory, and I stood there a total mess looking right back.

"Mate." His voice broke the silence, and I couldn't help but smile.

He is very handsome. He's tall and strong. He has hazel eyes with blonde hair. He is perfect.

I slowly lifted my hand toward him. I needed to connect to him. I want to know what he feels like against me.

He caught my hand in his, and it was like fireworks exploded all over us.

I fell to my knees infront of him and grabbed his hands as they reached towards my face. His hands clasped my face into them.

I breathed his scent in and felt so much peace.

His being just erased all the pain and sorrow in the world. It was truly amazing how he could bring light in this dark world.

I opened my eyes and glanced into his. His eyes filled with so much devotion and love.

I smiled. "Hello, Alpha. My name is Ridley."

He smirked back. "I would love if you would say my name, my Luna."

I felt my heart clench with happiness as he called me his.

"What do I call you, my Alpha."

I felt his thumb brush over my cheek as he leaned closer into me. I felt his breath touch my lips as he whispered his name back.

My eyes widened, but before I could say anything his mouth connected to mine.

My last thought came and went as I gave into him.

I am so screwed. Lana won't believe this.



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