Chapter 22: Pain and loss...

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We just got back ten minutes ago and have been sitting here on the couch since watching a comedy. I don't know what it is but some comedy. Ever since we sat down I have just been messing with Lana.

She had crawled up and laid her head in my lap. Which meant she wants me to rub her head. Ever since we were little she has down this and every time she never has to ask because she doesn't do this unless she wants me to rub her head but I don't mind. She is my mate and I lover her, even if she doesn't know the first part.

My thought scattered when she sat up and starred at me with a blank face.

Worried, I sat up and went to grab her hand but froze. When she retracted.

"Lana." I drew her name out in a warning. "What's wrong?"

She just starred at me for a minute before shrugging and snuggling into my side. Her feet where over my legs and her head was laying on my shoulder.

Shaking my head I laid my head back and pulled her even close. Even if she acts weird I can't help but be amused also.

It was quiet for a bit, I guess with us in our own thoughts. She was sitting there playing with the string on my hood as she starred at the now blank TV screen.

I thought about asking again but I think she just needs a minute. I won't make her tell me if she doesn't want to.

I sat and watched as different emotion on her face came and went. Each pouring into the next. It was actually funny to watch how each emotion changed to the opposite in two seconds.

I guess I couldn't hide my amusement because a snort came out. She just looked at me and gave me a glare. For what? I don't know.

Hiding my amusement I sat up also. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking." She gave me a small smile before she pushed me back into the couch and laid on my side again.

"Wow! Am I your pillow now?" I smiled when she giggled in response. She has the laugh of an angel. Her laugh lights up a room and makes heads turn. I love it, I love her.

She shrugged again and went to hide her face in my neck but I was not letting this one go. Not when I got her to laugh. And she new that.

"Alright." Before she new I had my hand on her side and was attacking her in tickles.

She was so suprised that she squealed and launched herself off the couch. She didn't fall to far before I caught her and held her to me, laughingly.

She started laughing when she realized she didn't fall. It took a second before we caught our breathe and sat back up. With her still in my lap.

"So anyways. What where you thinking earlier?" I wanted no needed to go back to earlier. Something is clearly bothering her.

Her smile faded a little and so did my heart. I hated to upset her but I needed her to tell me. Bottling things up, again, isn't good. Not like last anyway.

I had just got out of the car and walked into the house to find no one was home.

I new dad was at a pack meeting trying to sort out some things but I was sure Lana would be home.

She didn't tell me she was going anywhere. So I know she hasn't because she always tells me where she's going; even to get the mail. And the mailbox is only 30 feet up the road and you could clearly see her from the house.

Walking into the kitchen, I slide to the fridge and went to open it when I noticed a letter on the counter.

Probably Lana telling us she went to go to the library or over to a friends house to work on a project.

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