Vision x Vision

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Vision pulled out a cell phone, causing everyone to laugh

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Vision pulled out a cell phone, causing everyone to laugh.

"I do believe I have chosen myself," Vision stated.

"Well, just chose again," Tony responds.

"But that's not the rules, I must go into the closet," Vision responded walking into the closet and closing the door.

"Okay, I guess we'll all take a short break, maybe grab some snacks, maybe a beer or two," Natasha said getting up and walking to the kitchen. Peter was going to take the break as a chance to talk to Pietro, but chickened out and decided to grab himself a shit ton of snacks instead. Ignoring the motions, by Fury, for him to go talk to him. Carol and Natasha were making fun of Clint and teasing him. Clint was bright red, which made Tony jealous because Tony assumed Natasha was flirting with him. Tony was glaring at Natasha.

Maria was trying to hide the fact she was glaring at Carol, under the assumption that Carol was hitting on Natasha. Coulson was talking to Maria about what it was like kissing his teenage crush. Steve was trying to get Bucky and Sam to stop fighting for 10 seconds so he could tell them about the fact he kissed Coulson. Finally, he said it loud enough for the both of them to hear causing them both to stop and stare at him.

"What was it like?" Bucky stage whispered.

"Did you like it?" Sam chimed in. Steve blushed.

"I actually did like it," Steve admitted. Sam high five him and Bucky nudged him on the shoulder teasingly.

"Does Stevie have a little crush now?" Bucky mocked, causing Steve's face to heat up.

"Shut up, jerk," Steve said glancing over at Coulson who was still talking to a clearly not listening Maria. 

"Steve and Phil sitting in a tree," Sam started.

"K.I.S.S.I.N.G" Bucky sang quietly. Steve pushed him slightly.

"Shut up Jerk, before I start talking about the guy you like," Steve says Bucky's eyes widen.

"You wouldn't dare you punk," Bucky threatens.

"Ooh, who has Sergent Barnes's attention?" Sam asked playfully. 

"No one!" Bucky shouted causing everyone to look at him. He blushed as he apologized.

By the time it was time for Vision to come out of the closet, everyone had gone to the bathroom, and gotten a crap ton of snacks, Wanda grabbed some for Vision as well, and they were all sitting back down on the couches. 

Tony opened the closet door to let Vision out, who was just standing there doing nothing. He walked out and reached back into the bag to pull out the next trinket.

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