Evelyn's POV
I watch with disbelief as every staff on the floor came into the room. Did she really die? I didn't know what was going on; everything was happening in slow motion. I look over and see dozens of doctors trying to revive her as one of the nurses carry me out.
"What the hell..." I say quietly "She just died.."
"Her heart failed." The nurse said as she walks me over to our cube.
"She said she left videos and before she died just now she just was talking about her leaving." I say
I didn't know how to react or to even react.
"She left her son." The nurse says. "Poor kid is going to be on his own.."
I look into the room to see the boy sleep, naïve to his surroundings due to his state of sleep. My fingers felt clammy and my stomach twisted in every way. I couldnt even look at the boy anymore it just made it even worse. I heard the nurse get up and close the boy's door. What should I say now? The nurse walked away and left me swimming in my own thoughts. I sat there for hours as staff walked by; not saying anything to me. I didnt move from my chair the rest of my shift; just stared at nothing....
Henry's POV
"Mavet, are you listening?" The holy being made of light said
"Don't let red guy with horns come into my realm!" I say
Currently I was walking with god himself in heaven. Just talking about affairs and my job.
"Good, now let's talk your work. You have been doing well like always. You need to look at their condition, some people can survive."
"But I thought if they were old and in a condition they shouldn't suffer!" I say
"Not them, younger ones."
"I try to save some of them but some should'nt have to go through that." I justify while grabbing some clouds and inhaling them.
"You finalized someone's life because they bled out and help was not even a minute away!"
"He looked at me and said nothing!" I say
"I don't want to hear it Mavet! End of meeting."
I start to walk away from the big man himself when he says something.
"Also, I need you to stay around Evelyn, my gaurdian's daughter."
After saying that god dissapears. I snap my fingers and teleport to that Evelyn girl; I don't know why I need to stay near, she proved that she knew how to take care of herself. I watch her sit in the nurse's cube, on the phone with what appears a social worker. She was on the phone talking about a little boy named John. A couple of nights ago I had to get Samantha. I belive John was her son who she left with no one. She claimed he would have a better life because he was in good hands. She also told me that the two of them were homeless and was planning to sleep in the park the night of the bombing since it was a warm night. It was one of the saddest things I heard that week. Even for me, death himself...