Baby Gone Missing

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Hey i hooe you enjoy this sequel, this chapter is designated for to my best friend Ariana, even if she don't have wattpad


That's right there is where I messed up

Natsu POV

I was walking around the guild to find my wife Lucy and my baby Nashi. She wasn't inside the guild so I went outside to look for her. When I opened the doors I looked around right there in front of me, laid a sleeping Lucy.

I went next to her and laid beside her, when I looked over her shoulder thinking Nashi was right next to her. But I saw nothing just grassand dirt.
I stood up and started to poke Lucy.

Then I shook her "Luce, wake up,Luce" she started swirming around "Lucy come on wake up"

She opened her eyes slowly and looked at me "Huh,...oh hey Natsu, does the baby need anything" she asked

I looked at her with a what-are-you-talking-about face "Lucy I don't have have the baby, I thought you did"

She then sat up and rubbed her eyes "Natsu, you took the baby away from me earlier and was being a D head"

I took her hands and helped her up "I haven't came outside all day today, I've been inside this entire time"

She gotten up and took a step back " Natsu don't play around, where's Nashi"

I got frustrated and grabbed her arms "God Damn it Lucy I didn't take her away from you"

She struggled to get out of my grasp "NATSU, LET ME GO, YOU TOOK NASHI"


She looked at me with tears in her eyes "Yeah *sniff*  you did"

I let her go and ran my hand threw my hair *No I didn't... Wait... What color eyes did I have" I asked her

She wiped her tears and looked at me " I... D-Dont... They were dark brown"

My eyes grew wide and I balled my fist in anger "YOU GAVE OUR BABY TO A STRANGER"

She started to cry even more then before "Natsu, I'm sorry, I d-didnt know, i-it looked just like you and"

"I FOBT WANNA HEAR IT, DAMN IT LUCE. YOU DONT KNOW HOW YOUR  HUSBAND LOOKS" I yelled then walked back into the guild

I then punched the wall forming a hole in it. Everyone was looking at me and my head was down. "Damn it, Damn it, Damn it" I said under my breath.

I started walking to gramps office, as I approached it I didn't even bother knocking and went inside "GRAMPS"

He looked up "Natsu why can't you ever knock *Sigh* what is it now natsu" he said

I walked towards him "I'm gonna go find Nashi, if Lucy ask just tell her im taking a walk"

His eyes grew wide "okay then. What happened to Nashi, do you wanna taco bout it" he then laughed at his own joke

I rolled my eyes and started walking our "Baby gone missing, I'm out of here"

I then closed his door, went down thee stairs, out the guild, past crying Lucy, and down the street 'don't worry Nashi, daddy's coming... Yes got her banana and Apple scent' I then started running to a guild named twilight ore.

'These bastards are gonna die for touching my daughter and I'm not backing down'

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I felt bad for Lucy after being blamed for everything even though it was also Natsu's fault also, if you wanna know why then you gotta read the next chapter.

I'm updating on Saturday b/c I'm grounded, yup I took the risk once again for you guys. Well I hope you liked it, and I maybe will update tomorrow maybe

Love you all forever and always


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