Birthday Plans

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BTW the dragon slayers age fast as in looks a little older for their age, that's how she can sorta talk now jut saying


I took a deep breath and held the knife with both hands. I held it up above his chest even higher then my head. The knife was in the light of the moon causing it to glitter and shine but would soon be stained with a dragon slayers blood.

I then pulled the knife down with so much force causing it to come down near his chest. Faster and faster it went and before it could touch were his heart lyed I stopped.


I woke up by my presous baby was jumping on the bed yelling my name. I opened my eyes and saw her smiling at me. Just yesterday she was my baby, but tomorrow she's turning two. I sat up on my bed and gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead,

She hugged me back and she was warm just like her father "Mommy get up daddy's coming home" she said in a happy voice

I broke the hug and looked into her light brown eyes and I shook my head "No baby, he's not coming back home today" I said

She pouted and sat on my bed not excited as before "Mommy... When is daddy coming come" she asked me

I sat up and slipped into my slippers a picked her up "I don't know Nashi. Now come on we are having pancakes today" I said

Her sadness disappeared and got replaced with a huge smile "Yay... Bacon to right mama" she said

I walked down the stairs slowly to not fall "How could I forget about the bacon" I said as I entered the kitchen

I put her in her high chair and took out the pancake mix and the bacon packet. I poured the mix into a bowl and poured water into it.

Nashi stared at my hand as I mixed it into a liquid fit for pancakes. I smiled at her "Nashi, do you wanna finish mixing it" I asked her

She perked up and grabbed the spoon "Yes mama-" I gave her the bowl and the other spoon "-I won't get dirty oktay"

I laughed at her statement as I placed the bacon on a skillet "Okay I trust you, hehe"

Several minutes passed and both me and Nashi was finished with our breakfast. I remembered how Natsu would always eat quickly and make me cook more as I watched Nashi eat.

I took Nashi out of her high chair and placed her on the floor. I then took both our plates and put them into the dishwasher. I then came back to Nashi and she held my hand.

"Nashi, Mommy has to go bye bye in a little while and auntie Juvia and her son Silver is gonna come over okay" I told her as we went into living room

I turned on the television as she sat on the black long couch "Okay mommy. Mommy I like silver he's my frwiend" she said

I chuckled as I put on Dora and Friends for her "Good because he's coming over" I said as I placed the remote down and sat next to her.

*Knock Knock Knock*

I got up and looked threw the peep hole on the door. There I saw a girl with light blue hair and a boy with raven light blue hair. I opened the door and gave her a hug.

She hugged me back "Hey Juvia, omg I missed you-" I broke the hug "-How was your anniversary" I asked

She smiled as she saw Silver hug Nashi "Oh it was good Juvia had a good time and Silver he was being such a good boy Lucy" she said as we both sat on the couch

I laughed and sat up "That's Cute-" I then stood up "- well IMA get dressed before Mira bites my head off"

She nodded and I went upstairs. I took a shower and threw on a white dress and heels. I then went down stairs and gave Nashi a hug and silver then Juvia.

I walked out of the house and walked to the guild. Today was hot and the streets were busy. I finally reached the guild and opened the doors, everyone looked at me sad and I went to the table where Erza and the girls are.

I sat down and looked around "Why is everyone staring at me like that... What did I miss" I said

Mira shook her hand and took out a piece of paper "You didn't miss anything everyone know about you and Natsu that's all, now then let's start party planning"

I nodded my head and Erza took out a notepad "Okay Lucy, Nashi is your daughter so what do you want her birthday to be like" Erza asked me

I thought for a minute and smiled "I want it to be like a Celestial Fire Dragon Slayer. You know because Natsu is a Fire dragon slayer and I'm everyone in one including celestial mage and her magic is a celestial dragon slayer" I said

They all wrote it down then the guild doors flew off its hinges. We all stared and there stood a fire mage with salmon pink hair. He walked over to us and sat down in between Mira and Erza.

We looked at him while he glared at all of us "What?! She's my daughter too so I help with her party" he said

I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes "Whatever, okay Mira and Erza what's the next question" I said/asked

Mira smiled and took out three pictures of cake "Okay which one should be for her party" she said

Both Natsu and I looked at all the different types of cake, the prettiest was the chocolate cake but the strawberry and the Vinella was also pretty. But I pointed to the chocolate one since it was Nashi's favorite

Natsu pointed to it as well "This one" we both said

They took the picture and wrote it down then Erza asked me the next question "What colors for the decoration"

They gave both of us a paper and I started writing it down: Salmon Pink and Fire red. We handed our papers to them and they read it.

Mira smiled widely and clapped her hands "This is so cute. Lucy put Salmon Pink for Natsu and Natsu put sun yellow hair for Lucy-" we both blushed a little bit it quickly faded "Okay last question. Are you guys going together or not not to mention this is your daughters birthday."

I stood there and shrugged my shoulders "I don't mind going with him but he's dating lisanna now" I said

He just sat there and nodded his head "Yeah I'm going with Lisanna, sorry. Well IMA go bye" he then stood up and walked out the guild

I walked towards the door and waves bye too them. I then walked out and walked home to Nashi, Juvia, and Silver. Once I went inside I saw that they were all sleeping. I sat on the couch and fell asleep next to them.

So I just wanted to let you know that there is one more chapter to this book and I'm adding an eprologe to it so don't worry. Anyway Vote and Comment and Follow plz. I love you all byi

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