Nashi B-Day Party

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He just sat there and nodded his head "Yeah I'm going with Lisanna, sorry. Well IMA go bye" he then stood up and walked out the guild

I walked towards the door and waves bye too them. I then walked out and walked home to Nashi, Juvia, and Silver. Once I went inside I saw that they were all sleeping. I sat on the couch and fell asleep next to them.


Like every other day I woke up by a little girl who keeps jumping on my bed... I shot my eyes open and realized the I was in my room. I jumped off my bed making sure Nashi doesn't fall and I cheaked the date.

I looked at Nashi who was looking sad and I gave her a huge hug "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS" I said in a excited tone

She laughed as I threw her up and the air and caught her with a hug "Thank you mommy" she said

I finally sat down and let her sit on my lap "Thank you for what princess" I asked her

She jumped off my legs and jumped up and down "For my birthday party mommy, mommy is daddy gonna come" she said

I looked at her confused just to mess around with her "Your birthday party? Sorry sweety we can't have a birthday party for you" I said as I stood up and picked her up and put her on my waist "Now what would you like for breakfast"

She pouted and I put her on her high chair "Mommy can I have chocolate milk with a muffin" she asked me

I looked at her and smiled "Sure thing sweety" I said then I poured the milk into a cup and placed a muffin on a plate then I put it in front of her "here you go"

Several minutes later both Nashi and I finished eating and I putr your plates on the dishwasher. Nashi took my hand as we went up the stairs to my room.

I opened the closet door that revealed Nashi's clothes "Okay Nashi, pick out what dress you wanna where" I said

She went to the closet and pointed at a pink dress which had a red rippon on the side "This one mommy" she said

I took out the dress and I realized Natsu was the one who brought it for Nashi. I helped her take a bath and put the dress on. She was so adorable, the pink dress stopped at her knees and the bow was on her waist, she had on pink flats and her pink hair was brushed down.

Me on the other hand I put on a light pink dress which stopped at my knees and pink heels but those real high ones. I brushed my blonde hair down and put on my pearl earnings on.

I picked up Nashi and gave her a kiss on the cheek "Ready Nashi" I asked her

She nodded her head but before we got out the door she asked me something "Mommy, where are we going" she asked me

I looked at her and locked the front door "We are going to the guild, it's already three thirty." I said

She nodded her heads we was walking on the streets of magnolia. Today was just a perfect day too have a birthday party. We walked up the hill were the guild was located.

As we approched the guild doors I looked at Nashi "You ready, because this is your first time back" I said

She nodded her head and I opened the door and all the lights were off "Mommy why is it so dark" she asked

I smiled... Mira... An looked at Nashi. I kneeled down at her level "Do mommy a favor and turn on the lights over there"

She nodes and skipped over to the light switch "This one mommy, it looks like it" she asked me

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