pool day

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summary: nat and steve both have... marks on their body

nats pov
i wake up with a smile on my face when I feel someone in bed beside me, immediately I reach for the knife under my pillow and turn around slowly, then I stop. it was steve. i grin at the thought of last night and all of a sudden he woke up.

"good morning" I said

"morning beautiful" steve replied

i try to hide my blush bc I can't have steve see that I would never hear the end of how easily he can make me blush - however I feel as though my cover may have been blown.

"did I just make the black widow blush?"


"I hate you"

"that's not what you were saying last night was it"

"STEVE ROGERS" I practically yell and playfully hit his arm.

"can everyone please meet genius billionaire playboy philanthropist at the pool in the next ten minutes for a so called pool day" friday announces.

we both roll our eyes at the name tony had given himself and got up and began to get ready.

if I'm being honest it took my a moment to figure out how to walk which made steve chuckle but I soon managed. after all I liked pool days because everyone has fun and no one was in a mission today so the whole team would be there.

steve smoothly slid back into his room without anyone noticing thank goodness and I started to get ready.

i put on this new blue bikini that steve liked the colour of and quickly threw on a cover up top thing and a tie up skirt so I didn't feel too exposed. i didnt look in the mirror as that would just make me take 30 minutes longer and I knew tony would get mad.

once I got down there a saw everyone already there talking and I smiled because I love my family (she doesn't see steve as family though for obvious reasons I don't promote that here)

steve quickly turned to me and gave me a smile then turned around to avoid suspicion. we didn't want the team to know and tbh I am shocked that they didn't hear us last night but since we did it in my room the probably thought I was just having a one night stand like 'I always do' which I don't. they think that bc every time steve comes to my room he doesn't know how to be quiet so I have to lie and bring my image down to save us. but it's okay I don't mind.

but today I hadn't heard any teasing from tony about last night or the last week now that I think about it - huh weird.

i walk over to tony to find out more information.

"hey tony I appreciate the stopping with the teasing"

"so you're still fucking people on the daily?" he says almost proud?

"no actually it's been like over a month since I've had a one night stand"

"oh right I thought I told you but I put soundproofing on all the rooms, I did it about a week ago especially yours bc as much as I love teasing you I love sleep more"

i smirk.

everyone slowing starts getting in the pool so I take off my skirt and cover up and everyone stares at me and Steve goes bright red. i glance over at him quickly then I look down to where the others were looking and oops. damn you hickeys.

here comes the questions.


tony speaks up

"nat you said you haven't had a one night stand in over a month no?"

"my bestie why didn't you tell me you were getting laid every night?!?" clint jokes

"so who's the lucky person?" thor asks; I have always been quite open with my sexuality and they have seen a woman leave my room at 5 in the morning countless times and thor was always the most respectful making sure he didn't say anything out of line. (sorry I know this is really rambling on I just see thor as that person who always tries to get it right and hates himself when he messes up idk. I'm going to move on now)

"cant a girl keep her secrets round here?"

they all nod wanting to respect my privacy happy for me that I had found someone that I actually wanted to be with.

i get into the pool still kind of uncomfortable but everyone was sort of giggling to themselves now which I was fine with.

steve was cooking the bbq and honestly he looked so good that I just wanted to get out of the pool and kiss him. before all of the shenanigans with my hickeys I was talking to him by the bbq whilst he was cooking and it was wonderful. the rest of the team are absolutely idiotic it's so funny. we were both throwing heart eyes at eachother left and right and they didn't catch on. clint is literally a spy like me and he doesn't know.

anyway back to real time bucky was telling Steve to come into the pool so he turned the chicken legs over one more time and took off him tshirt making everyone gasp out in shock.

i turned around and saw scratch marks all down his back.

luckily i don't give him many hickeys so we have been able to get away with it and if there was a bit of evidence left he could just say it was from a mission and everyone believed him. absolute idiots I say, idiots.

surprisingly sam was the first one to connect the dots and he started pointing and yelling making me give him a death stare but he didn't seem to stop. luckily for me everyone was still in shock that a 100 year old capsicle was getting some so they weren't listening to sam for the most part. then steve looked at me.


tony then gasped again - how much air do his lungs need omfg - and then everyone turned to look at me and I just smirked taking control of the situation since there was no way we were getting out of this now.

"off you go" I said trying not to laugh letting the flood gates of questions open not entirely prepared to give the answers.


i lost it and burst out laughing whilst steve was still bright red.

"OKAY EVERYONE SHUT UP FOR A SECOND... tbh idk how he pulled me I'm hot af"

"damn right you are" steve said smirking
"oh please, anyway this has been happening for about a month but the first time we did it was two months ago-"
"TELL US THE STORY" tony demanded

"I would've but you just interrupted me so...no"


"woah calm down james i wouldve told you but you just just swore so no"

"anyway let me continue. we won't kiss for you bc that's creepy as and that last comment may or may not be true..."

the whole team burst out laughing and safe to say it was a fun night and it was even better bc I got to publicly show my love for him instead of having to just exchange looks so I just sat in his lap all afternoon and evening.

it was now about 12 so me and Steve decided to go to bed

"okay night guys me and steve are going to bed" i said holding hands with my boyfriend.


i sighed not wanting to delve into my childhood trauma right now,

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