i thought you hated cuddles

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summary: nat comforts steve when he's sick and clint gets "jealous"

steve has been sick for a while (first of all idc if the serum makes it so he can't get sick okay? he's sick - deal with it). and it seems there is nothing he can do to feel better. he has barely even left his room this week and he's never like that. the team know that he can't sit still normally so he wouldn't fake this because he's been on bed rest for at least 6 days already.

everyone brings him food and makes an attempt to hang out with him but he doesn't stay awake long enough to talk. he is eating enough though. everyone makes sure of that because they know how important it is for fighting off this illness. so they let him eat, then talk. (yes this is me not-so-subtly telling you that food is fuel ❤️)

they all try their hardest to fill him in on what's going on in the world currently as if he wasn't already behind enough. bucky and wanda have been visiting him the most since bucky is his best friend and wanda is just a very caring person which is appreciated widely by the rest of the team.


a certain red head has been to visit him more than ever. natasha. this shocked everyone because the team know how much nat hates being sick and they thought that nat didn't really care about steve. emphasis on thought. they are starting to feel like they may have been wrong however.

nat and steve had been dating for a little while now. about a month and a half? and have kept it a secret from the rest of the avengers. why? because they knew that the teasing would never end and they were enjoying sneaking around like little school kids.

clint knew.
wanda knew.
bucky knew.

(ik at the beginning I said they thought nat hated steve but roll with it pls)

not because steve or nat had told them, because those bastards are smarter than they look.

steve didnt know that they knew but nat of course had her suspicions.

until one day where nat was up in steve's room talking to him whilst he was desperately trying to stay awake (she found it cute when him eyes could barely stay open but he still wanted to listen to her talk) nat began talking about how she thought people might have figured it out.

nats pov
"nat I love you but our friends are really quite dumb" my boyfriend says after I finished my daily ramble. i chuckle and go up to hug him and leave before the others start asking where I am.

"wait nat don't go please"

i look at him with my eyebrows revealing my confusion.

"idk I just feel better when you're around" I try my hardest not to blush at the comment - good thing steves eyes are practically shut.

"okay then" I say. i don't want to get sick but I don't want my boyfriend to feel lonely more so I climb into bed with him and get into our rehearsed cuddle position. (I don't mean they like practice in their free time I mean like they cuddle a lot)

"thank you" I hear him whisper from behind me.

i just smirk knowing that he can hear my cheeks moving against the bed. super senses and all that stuff. just then I hear a knock on the door and I watch the doorknob turn. well shit.

it's clint.

he knows. i know he knows. he knows I know he knows. i know he knows I know he knows. so we kind of just stare at each other. (damn right that was a friends reference)

"I thought you hated cuddles" he said with a frown on his face only there to keep a smirk from bubbling up.


"no you don't get to speak the amount of times I have asked you even for just a hug and you said you don't like physical contact."

"yeah well I lied"

"so you're saying you LOVE cuddles" he has started to raise his voice now making a sleeping steve get restless.

"clint I swear don't wake him up we can talk about my love language being touch later"

"YOUR LOVE LANGUAGE IS PHYSICAL TOUCH ?!??" he was full on yelling now and I knew he was not backing down from here.

natalia he didn't mention that oh shit here comes the teasing I think to myself. i then turn over and see steves eyes open and I smile apologetically as I turn back over and see the entire team staring at the two of us eyes and mouths open.

"she doesn't hate cuddles" Steve said getting out of bed and shutting the door and locking it.

sorry I know it's a little short I'm just bad at writing atm I have loads of ideas I just cannot... write if yk what I mean. probably not but 🤷‍♀️

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