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summary: someone flirts with nat at a party

third person
it was another one of tonys random parties (yes he is having another party okay) and it was a fairly big one. almost no girls were there apart from  nat, wanda and a few shield agents.

of course nat was happy about that because she wouldn't have to beat anyone up for hitting on her boyfriend so she could relax. who is her boyfriend you ask? steven rogers.

they had been dating for just over a month and had grown extremely fond of each other to the point where they couldn't sleep without sharing company. it was cute, they were each other's support teddy bear.

that's actually how they began dating.

it was a stormy night and steve was wide awake. he went onto his phone and saw that nat was online on whatsapp. 'at 3am? hmm' he thought.

he decided to text her.

Hey, you up?

yeah actually I am. why are
you still up?

Not sure, the storm is just
quite loud - super hearing
problems 😂😂.
(I hope you know that it is paining me to type like this)
How about you?

the next thing steve knew there was a knock at his door. he smiled knowing that she knew it was easier for him to talk than type.

"come in"

they got to talking just about random things and steve quickly got up to go to the bathroom and when he got back he found nat asleep on his bed. at this point it was probably about 5am and this was normally the time the both of them would wake up for training but they both sort of subconsciously agreed that they would just do it later.

steve, not wanting to both her, just crawled into his bed far away from her but she just turned around and snuggled in closer and they both fell asleep instantly.

that went on for a good 2 weeks without the team knowing because they had already had enough with the teasing and tony would have a field day if he found out. so whilst the team were still unknowing they started casually dating

~end of flashback~
and now they're inseparable. (sorry about that back to the story now it won't happen again.) they went to the party like normal but unfortunately tony pulled steve aside pretty early on in the party forcing nat to entertain herself. of course she had wanda and clint but they seemed to get dragged away by tony too. she wanted to be nosy and see what they were talking about but she decided to mind her own business and refrained from eavesdropping.

the night continued and none of her friends were back yet. she had been chatting to some of the shield agents about random things until most of them went home to their families. now she was alone at the bar with the alcohol. just the usual.

a guy walked up to her, clearly a bit tipsy and started off with a simple.

"you look beautiful"

which made nat turn around immediately and say thank you hoping it would get the guy to leave her alone. of course it's not that easy. he bought her a drink and started talking at her. she wasn't listening or taking it in but i guess it was a good distraction.

steve pov
me, wanda, clint and tony had returned and we started mingling with the folk dotted around the party. i then saw something that caught my eye. someone was flirting with nat. a rather attractive man I must say. i wanted to punch him. i wanted to just run up to them both and kiss my girlfriend marking my territory but I couldn't. the team didn't know and I was hoping to keep it on the downlow for a few more months at least.

"so how long have you two been fucking?"

i jump out my skin to find a smirking wanda.

"hold on, first of all language and second of all, what?"

wanda just laughed "you have been staring at that man flirting with her for at least 5 minutes, each second your knuckes becoming whiter like jeez unclench your fists" i rolled my eyes, did as she asked and let her continue. "rogers I may be young but I don't need mind reading powers to be able to tell that something is going on between you two"

I scoffed and said "look wands nothing is happening I'm just a bit tense because nat is my best friend and men tend to like to take advantage of her at these parties." wanda nodded sadly but still not fully believing me. in my defence everything I said is true it just wasn't the reason I was staring at the two of them. "go find vision or something I can handle this"

"what ever you say cap"

little did I know wanda went straight to tony and clint and told them what she had seen.

"so you and little red huh?" tony said with knowing eyebrows.


"look I'm sorry but you're still standing in the exact same place as before staring at the exact same thing and clint and tony are romanogers super fans so they deserved to know"

"no me and 'little red' aren't a thing thank you though"

"aw come on man it's obvious. don't think that just because I'm deaf I can't hear the noise through the vents"

i went red.

"what are we talking about boys... oh and wands sorry I didn't see you" nat said as she swung her arm around my neck. we have always had a touchy feely friendship as we both like physical touch. well not really. hugging other people makes me cringe and nat feels the same way. just with her.

"how you and capsicle fuck every other minute "

"what on earth are you on about" nat removed her arm from my shoulders.

"nat this may be a shock to you but your BOYFRIEND is awful at lying."

"I hate you"

third person
"who were you taking to there tash?" clint asked.

"all of you except my boyfriend"

they all gasped

"oh please stop acting like you don't hear us in the vents clint" clint went red and tony and wanda burst out laughing. steve is still trying to understand that clint wasn't lying when he said that before.

all of a sudden nat just kissed steve and he picked her up and left leaving tony and wanda with their mouths wide open and clint just smiling knowing damn well his best friend is about to get laid.

romanogers one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now