A Fkcing Rake Can't hurt him!

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"WHERE WERE YOU, TWO EYED SNAKE GUY!??!?!" You screamed, flailing your arms to the floor as you cursed at the TV as you saw Obanai appear on the screen talking to Tengen. You were just finishing up the Entertainment District Arc on Demon Slayer, and you were home alone, so you had a lot of food on the table. Yep, you were binge watching. As you teared up seeing the Master in his state and crows alerting the other Hashiras, your turned off the TV before screaming, "WHAT!"

You got up from your hole of despair as you quickly remembered that you left the rake out in the front yard of your house while you were raking the front yard, since normally your parents would punish you by taking away your phone or TV.

You ran down the hallway, past the shoe rack and into the front yard while your air pods jammed out to the beat of your walking as you picked up the rake and steadily walked over to the house to return the rake to the garage. Your family doesn't use your garage that much, so it's normal to have it filled with cobwebs and dust. But since it was pitch black outside since it was night, the only light source in the garage came from the closed shut windows that projected moonlight into the garage.

You closed the front door and locked it. Your parents were out because of their gambling addiction, and your friends were busy. The only company you had was your white cat named Stormy. She waited for you at the door as she meowed impatiently, before flicking her tail up and walking like Britney Spears to her water bowl, before fluffing her tail up.

"MaTeRiAl gOrL!" You chuckled at Stormy as she pawed your leg. You were wearing baggy shorts and a messy saggy gray shirt. The only other appearance that stood out to other people towards you was your Tanjiro Hanafuda necklace, which you wore at all times since you needed to show people that you were a geek that watched too much anime.

You opened the garage door, making a loud creaking noise as the garage door closed behind you. You stepped down the small wooden stairs as you walked past the giant windows with the moonlight glowing through them, before walking towards the windows and setting the rake down on the stands, before you heard a Cheetos bag crunch. You slowly picked the rake back up. You knew it wasn't a rat or mouse, since your cat normally hangs out around the garage and keeps them away. You swiftly turned around and aimed the rake towards the shadows of the garage, the light of the moon shining down on your back as your started to sweat, before shaking when you saw two red eyes staring at you.

A figure stepped out of the shadows, causing you to drop your rake, and the figure took a step towards you, and you quickly fumbled for the rake before grabbing it again and holding it up to see him. This wasn't a burglar trying to steal your PS5. . . This wasn't a homeless man stealing your food. . .This was. . .MUZAN!

"AHHHHHHHH!" You screamed, falling down as you fumbled on the ground helplessly, while the demon lord watched you in confusion, before you swiftly got up, and picked up the rake and aimed it at him, "Y-you're not here! T-this is just my I-imagination, R-right?!"

Muzan looked at you in confusion once more while mumbling, "Where the hell am I?"

"A-are. . .You. . . Real? Y-you're fictional. . .I'm NOT LOSING MY MIND?!" You yelled at him, holding the rake down.

You were about to ask the demon lord something when he appeared right in front of you, 2 inches away from your face as his red eyes locked in with you. "Where am I. Tell me, or else I'll kill you. I know I'm not in Japan. And why did you say I was. . . 'fictional?'"

Your sweat dripped down on the face before you got up, looking at him with a stern face, realizing you knew how he died. "You're in (Insert country you live in), but you're not in your universe. You're fictional. Get it through your head."

Muzan looked at you for a split second before getting up with you. "How did I get here, human?"

You looked at him with a questionable face before you took a hero stance. "Well, first of all, I have a name, so call me Y/N. Secondly, you were a fictional character made by some Japanese guys and you're a show that people watch on TV."

"What is a. . .TV?" Muzan mumbled.

You palm faced yourself, before groaning. "Look man, I don't know how you got here. You're in a world you're not supposed to be in, and I have no clue why you're in my garage."

Muzan looked to the left of your garage, then the right, before walking towards the door and opening it, walking through it.

"HEY! YOU KNOW IT'S NOT KIND TO WALK THROUGH SOMEONE'S HOUSE WITHOUT PERMISSION! THAT'S RUDE!" You shouted at Muzan angrily as you walked behind him as he walked through your house.

"Should I remind you that I'm a demon and you're not? You're lucky you're still alive." Muzan growled at you as you balled your fist.

"Attitude I didn't know the demon lord was such a meanie! well, I guess you are a demon after all, and demons in Demon Slayer are mean. . ." You murmured. Muzan stopped walking.

"Did you say. . .Demon Slayer?" Muzan mumbled.

"It's the show you're from. You see, A TV IS A BOX WHERE YOU CAN WATCH STUFF ON. A SHOW IS WHAT'S ON THE TV. AN ANIME IS WHERE THE CHARACTERS ARE REALISTIC CARTOONS. HENTA-" You stopped talking when you realized Muzan was looking at the marshmallows on your counter in the kitchen of your house.

"Those are marshmallows." You said as he picked one up.

"Marshed mallow. . .?" Muzan asked as he popped one into his mouth. 

"Hm. HM HM! HM HM HM HM HM HM HM!" He chortled as you burst out laughing.

"You're seriously telling me you've never had a marshmallow in your life?" You wheezed, and Muzan shook his head, before your cat came walking in, tail high, with that Katy Perry frown as they meowed at Muzan, before running up to him and looking up at him.

"You have a cat?" He questioned, before he tensed as Stormy grabbed him by the leg and started climbing up his leg as she bounced off his hip and onto the counter, licking her paws and flashing her anus at him.

Muzan growled as kept walking around your house while you still questioned why he was here. Then you realized all of the possibilities of having a demon lord in your house. Oh no. HE CAN'T FIND OUT HOW HE DIES!

You ran past him as you ran into your room, closing the door as you piled all of your Demon Slayer books into your secret candy stash and hid them as you covered up the books with candy, before going back to Muzan.

"OH OH OH! Muzan! I don't know how long you're going to be in this universe, so I can teach you all of the culture here!" You called out, leaving the candy stash as you got in front of Muzan, hands behind your back.

"Like what?" He asked.

"'Freddy, you're supposed to be on lockdown!'" You mimicked the voice of Vanessa as you giggled.

Sure, he was a demon lord who's murdered thousands of humans ever since he was one, but he's a fictional character! you can teach him the culture of America! possibly get him to kill your enemies! (Okay, that one was a bit too sadistic. . .) Show him off at school! and witness his powers in real life!

How Did You Get Into My Garage?! (Muzan Kibutsuji X Teen! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now