Movie 1: Chapter 1

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The past:

Humans are attacking the vampire house

Martha: I don't understand why humans are attacking

Emma: well it's now or never

Dracula: but Martha I don't want to lose you

Martha: please take care of Mavis *hands over Mavis to Dracula*

Emma breaks open a path for only Dracula and Mavis to enter

And enters the woods to see his home being burned and he saw Emma running out running out his house to distract the other villagers from his house but it was already too late for Martha and Emma distracted the villagers so Dracula and Mavis could escape into the woods

Year after the disappearance of Emma and the death of his wife he starts working on his hotel for monsters while taking care of Mavis his daughter

Many years pass and Mavis has grown to be 1800 years old

[Current time]
Today was Mavis 1800's birthday and Dracula was trying to make everything perfect for his little angel Mavis

Murray: Dracula stop please being so stressed out

Dracula: I can't I just want Mavis's birthday to go on without a hitch

Frankenstein: buddy you need a break

Wayne: Is this a little much?

Griffin: I have a question

Dracula: no Wayne and what's you're question griffin

Griffin: whatever happened to Emma?

Wayne: yeah I haven't seen you since we were kids

Murray and Frankenstein just nod agreeing

Dracula: I don't know I only have seen her since Martha died *sad tone*

After the zombie town idea to keep Mavis here

Mavis POV:

Mavis is crying in her room when a vampire enters her room

Mavis: go away dad *cries*

Emma: sweetie I'm not you're dad

Mavis looks and sees Emma and stops crying

Mavis: holy rabies I'm sorry I thought you were my dad

Emma: it's fine Mavis I honestly understand you're feeling

Mavis: how do you know me? *Looking at Emma*

Emma: I was once best friends with Martha and friends with Dracula and I swore I would protect you and I did do that and I also protected your father as well from angry villagers but that's not why I'm here Mavis my name is Emma and the human world has changed in 1800 years and you can see it now without being attacked and what you're father did is stupid you're old enough to be on your own I guess I'll go bye Mavis *Emma turns into a bat and flys off*

Mavis: bye Emma and thanks

Dracula comes in with Johnny

Dracula: I'm sorry Mavis humans are not nice to us monsters

Mavis: no there is not do you have any clue who I just talked to dad become you came up here?*crossing her arms while standing in front of her dad*

Dracula: no many who?

Mavis: her name was Emma she was heard talking to me

Dracula: oh... I see you don't have to make stuff up Mavis to get my attention *Sad tone*

Mavis: what do mean?

Dracula: last time I saw her was her being attacked by villagers and that was it I never saw her again * he takes out a photo of Emma and shows it to Mavis*

Mavis looks at the photos to see this

Mavis: that's Emma she is a beautiful woman and father and yes I did see her as well in my room

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Mavis: that's Emma she is a beautiful woman and father and yes I did see her as well in my room

Dracula: wait so you actually saw her? *putting up the photo of Emma in his pocket*

Mavis nods yes

Dracula: oh

Dracula didn't know what to exactly say

Johnny: who is Emma?

Dracula: one of my oldest friends I haven't seen my wife Martha's death I miss her

Fem voice: aw drac that's so sweet

Everyone turns to the fem voice and sees its Emma


To be continued

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