Movie 2: Chapter 2

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Draucla: dad I need to tell you something

Vlad: so who's you're wife is? And other kids?

Dracula: uh it's Emma and other kids are Edward and Noelle

Vlad: Do what?
N/a: Noelle means a Christmas miracle

Dracula: yeah dad

Vlad: well that's great news son but I'm here for my great grandson Dennis and my new granddaughter Noelle not you

Emma: I'm glad you could make it and this is Mavis Dracula's other daughter

Mavis: it's nice to finally meet you

Vlad: same

Noelle comes out from behind Emma

Emma: this is Noelle

Edward: wait did you meet my wife bella and your great daughter Renesmee? Grandpa Vlad in person?

Vlad: I don't remember and hello Noelle

Noelle *smiles showing her vampire teeth* hi grandpa

Dennis comes in right behind Noelle and Dennis runs into her by accident

Noelle feels the bump but ignores Dennis because she doesn't know if he's human yet or not

Dennis: sorry Aunt Noe

Noelle: it's fine Dennis trust me

Vlad: no it's not fine Noelle put him in his place for God sakes

Emma: to get to her you have to go threw me Vlad

Edward: me too

Bella: I'm also not scared to fight you along the side of my mother-in-law

Dennis grabs Noelle's hand and hides behind Mavis

Mavis: no one is fighting anyone around here guys

Vlad: shush Mavis lemme talk one on one with my daughter in-law

Dracula: no father she isn't going leave my sight with you around sorry

Emma: you tell him honey

Vlad: I like her more than ever now she isn't scared to put me in place like Martha *he chuckles* son I'm glad you got married to her at least Mavis will come to love her new Step-mom

Mavis: I do trust me shes prefect for my dad

Vlad: anyways

Mavis left with Emma and Noelle and Dennis and Murray and Frankenstein and Wayne and Griffin they went their different ways but Dennis and Noelle eventually Winnie joined them

Vlad: so question

Johnny shows up

Dracula: yes?

Vlad: has the kid received their fangs yet?

Dracula: uh.....

Johnny: *fsmiles with his fake vampire teeth* no

Vlad: it's okay the kid is a late fanger like mr. Tough Guy over here we just need to scare the fangs out of him

Draucla: great plan dad *gulps*

Vlad: he'll be fine trust me

Dracula: what ever you say dad

Vlad leaves to go behind stage (cakie ect.)

Johnny: scare the tangs?

Draucla: it's the only way to get you and Mavis to stay

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