Movie 3: Chapter 2

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the moon rose at night as the family woke up

But the Dracula family been up since yesterday

Emma: stop it stay still will you?

Lilth giggles as Emma tries to catch her

Dracula: darling where's your family

Emma: I don't know where they are does it like I can track them Dracula?

Dracula: Maybe?

Emma: that's stupid of you

Mavis: what's going on?

Emma: you're father thought I knew when my family woke up that sounds so stupid I'm not them Dracula

Mavis: that sounds ridiculous dad even for you, are you sure your okay?

Dracula: yes I'm fine

(Time skip)

Lani and Ethan were late to weird event with family

Emma: think I'm ready

Dracula: are you sure sweet cakes

Emma: definitely if you are honey

Dracula nods and then grabs a cup and clanks it and it grabbed everyone's attention

Dracula: thank you everyone family and friends and people of the hotel I've decided to retire from running the hotel now I'll be giving it to Mavis and Johnny

Everyone was a little shocked but still clapped

Emma: did that feel better?

Dracula: not really love

Emma: Dracula they'll do fine

Dracula sighs knowing Emma told the truth

Jason and Ericka bump into Lani and Ethan

Jason: my bad

Lani: it's fine but look at you your so grown up last time I've seen you

Jason: you are?

Lani: *sighs* that's would be up to Emma

Emma walks up to Jason and Ericka and Lani and Ethan

Jason: Emma who are these people?

Emma: this Lani, our oldest sister and this is Ethan her soulmate

Derek walks in with Alexander then right behind them is Jamie and Molly walking into the dining event to meet family

Jason: oh nice

Emma: Lani this is Jason our youngest brother and this is his wife Ericka I told you all about yesterday

Lani: oh it's a pleasure to finally meet you Ericka

Ericka: same sister-in-law

Lani and ericka giggle

Lani: I see you finally settle down for someone

Noelle: hello auntie I'm Noelle and Lilth is over there *pointing at Frankenstein holding Lilth*

Ericka: hey now let's not do this today

Emma walks away and toward Mavis and Johnny

Emma: so thoughts?

Mavis: thanks for everything mom, so what are you planning to so with dad and yourself?

Emma: we going to still raise up Noelle and Lilth but that's it after they hit a certain age we plan on taking a long need vacation but if you ever need us you know what to do

Mavis: of course mom

Emma: see ya around mavis

Mavis: bye mom

Emma leaves takes lilth from Frankenstein and walks to zooms to Dracula while holding lilth and Noelle comes to their side as well as they leave the party
Mavis age 136

Johnny's age 36

Dennis age 21

Alexander 204

Lani age 590

Ethan age 600

Derek age 205

Molly age 144

Jamie 146

Dracula age 586

Emma age 585

Noelle age 21

Edward age 137

Bella age 136

Renesmee age 24

Jason age 257

Ericka age 56

Lillith age 18
(Years later)

Lillith: I really don't understand why were doing this again for 500th time

Noelle: leave them be sis

Ericka: stop moving for Pete shakes

Emma: sorry if they won't stay still for you

Mavis: stop it

Dracula: sorry some of us can't stay still truly

Dennis sighs

Jason: that's the current of my mood is sigh

Lani: guys there trying here that's all that matters

Bella: I hate asking this but how much more longer

Renesmee: this is so stupid

Noelle: finally some said it

Lillith: it won't work on a camera most of us are vampire you know that right?

Ericka: shush

Johnny: uh wait for me

Molly: oh come on

Johnny trys to fit in making everyone move from their positions

Ericka: good everyone is here now say Mavis is pregnant

While taking this photo

Emma had a realization

Emma: wait you're pregnant? *looking at mavis*

Mavis: surprise?

Everyone but Ericka had shocked faces and the camera went click then toke the picture

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