Movie 2: Chapter 3

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After Dennis birthday party it was in June Noelle's next in December

So during Christmas month

Emma: *screams*

Mavis: mom?

Draucla: honey bat?

Noelle: mommy?

Dennis: grandma?

They start all running to Dracula's room

Emma walks out her and Dracula's room

Emma: oh my goodness guys I'm fine

Dracula: what happened honey bat you had to scream like that?

Emma: I'm pregnant *squeals*

Noelle and mavis and Dennis's mouth drops

Draucla: are you completely sure?

Emma: uh yes why wouldn't I be?

Dracula: I trust you completely darling

Emma: yeah sure you do Dracula

Edward: who was screaming earlier?

Emma: me my dear son

Edward: mom are you pregnant?

Emma: yes finally someone who understands

Edward chuckles

Edward: I feel bad for anyone else who doesn't understand

Dracula: I didn't understand

Edward: she did that when she was pregnant with Noelle

Griffin: the baby is going to be born in August at this rate

Everyone looks at Griffin

Griffin: what?

Noelle: when did you get here?

Griffin: uh a few minutes ago why?

Edward: I think you scared some of us

Griffin: impossible

Emma: anyways I'm going to the humans doctors

Draucla: but beloved you can't

Emma: can too better believe in it I'm going and how did you think I found out I pregnant with Edward

Edward: seems like I have that common I married a human and she got pregnant and then I didn't know she was pregnant so I bit her trying to make into a vampire

Emma: yes I know that Edward you don't have to keep telling me

Draucla: damn that's heavy

Mavis: wait you can do that?

Edward: well yeah so can Noelle

Mavis: can I do that?

Edward: no unless my mom trains you but I highly recommend she won't do it now

Mavis looks over too Emma with pleading eyes

Emma: Mavis I can't I gotta to the doctors first then we'll talk about it

Noelle: I'm hoping for a sister

Edward: I need a baby brother

Emma: *giggles*

Emma walks off with draucla following right behind her

They make it the doctors and they confirmed Emma was pregnant

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