Movie 1: Chapter 2

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N/a: Emma already zinged with Dracula but she didn't say anything to him and she doesn't let it effect her at all



Dracula: one of my oldest friends I haven't seen wife Martha's death I miss her

Fem voice: aw drac that's so sweet

Everyone turns to the fem voice and sees its Emma

Dracula: Emma?

Emma: yes darc?

Dracula: *eyes zinged at the sight of emma* uh... Chesn.. hshf

Emma: are you you okay drac?

Mavis: is my father having a heart attack?

Emma: he can't have one Mavis

Dracula: uhhh I better go now * he leaves with Johnny*

Mavis: I just realized I zinged with that boy that dad keeps trying to hide

Emma: men are weird in their own ways

Mavis: so true

Wanda enters

Wanda: so hows the birthday girl?

Mavis: I'm fine Aunt Wanda

Emma: Wanda?

Wanda: oh hey Emma long time no see how's your son?

Emma: he's old enough to on his own Wanda he doesn't need his mother anymore

Mavis: wait you have a son?

Emma: yes his name is Edward

Mavis: how old is he?

Emma: I don't know last time I saw him he was 1900 but you weren't even 1800 yet Mavis

Wanda: im so sorry about him Emma

Emma: it's fine he wants to be himself after his father left him for another family

Wanda: that's depressing who is Edwards father anyways?

Emma: a vampire I met when I was just 24 years old and his name was harnold *lies about this part*

*She continues talking* and he ending creating his own 2nd family by marrying another monster and having kids with her I felt so bad for Edward honestly I never even zinged with his father I zinged with someone else

Wanda: ooo tell me more

Emma: I wish I could but I'm saying another about my zing *looking down*

Dracula x EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now