Chapter 7

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Ben's POV:

Blaire left me. She screamed at me then left. I'm assuming she broke up with me. I am so ticked at myself. Whenever I get a perfect girlfriend, I blow it. My cell phone rings. It's Jonas.



He yells over the phone. My gosh.

"Jonas, it wasn't my faul-"


"Jonas, listen to me! I honestly didn't mean it! It was her!"

"Of course! It's always an excuse with you! You never own up, Ben! Just take the blame for once! I know you did it!"

"Jonas, where is she?"

"I won't tell you, for her sake! She is so upset, if I mention your name, she will lose it all over again. Ben, I don't know if I could ever look at you the same way again."

"Fine. But tell her I'm sorry!"

"Just stay away from her."

He hangs up. I curse. This is really bad. I know it was my fault, but I didn't want to own up to it. I couldn't. I didn't want to admit I was wrong. This isn't the first time this has happened. All the girls before had left me, alone. I can't blame them. I feel like the worst person alive right now. The entire team knows, and probably the entire league as well.

I turn on the TV to the news station. "And just in, Toronto Maple Leafs' goaltender caught cheating on teammate Blaire "Chickadee" Jasper with a hot blonde at a nightclub. Jasper is said to be staying at another teammate's apartment while things are settled." the reporter says "GAAAAAAAH!!!!!" I yell. I CAN'T ESCAPE THIS MADNESS!!!! I just want to forget!!!

Blaire's POV:

I can't even- I can't. I have been staying with Jonas for three days now. He has been so nice to me. I remember what I promised to him, and I intend to keep my promise. Jonas is sitting in his kitchen, with a cup of coffee and a newspaper, like a middle aged man. I smirk at this thought. I walk over to him

"Hi" I say. I must look terrible. I have been crying for the past three days, and I haven't showered once. I also skipped practice yesterday morning, on a sick note faked by Jonas. "Morning, sunshine" he says and grins. "Remember that promise I made to you a while back?" I ask him casually. "Yup." he replies, looking slightly nervous.

"Well, I intend to keep it." I say. He stands up. I walk over to him. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him. He smiles, and puts his hands around my waist. This is who I'm meant to be with. I can feel it, and my feelings like this have never been wrong before. I am relieved to know this is where I'm meant to be. I pull apart from Jonas and hug him. "This is where I'm meant to be." I tell him "Not with Ben, not with anybody else. With you" I finish. He beams, and pulls me in again.

I decide to call Ben after a good debate with myself.



"Yeah, Ben. Hi. We're done. I can't believe you."

"Blaire, please, give me another chance! I messed up and I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, Ben. I'm not going to believe you anymore! I'm done with you. I have found who I'm meant to be with. It's not you, Ben."

"Blaire? Who is he? Tell me, I need you Blaire! Don't leave me!"

"Ben. I'm not going to listen anymore. You don't need to know, because it's none of your business! we are through and that is it!"

I hang up. I feel better now. "How'd he take it?" Jonas asks. "Not well. He flipped out and asked for another chance, then asked who I was with. I never told him" I tell him. "Good. He doesn't need to know about us." He replies. We head to his bedroom and lie down. I 'm so tired from these past few days' worth of crying and staying up late. I am happy to be here, with the man I am meant to be with. I bury my face in his neck and smile.

Jonas' POV:

Inside, I am having a happiness seizure. I have waited for SO LONG for the perfect girl. And here she is, right beside me. I am so happy. But what are we going to do about Ben? He is steaming mad, and if I know Ben, he will probably get drunk again, and do something terrible. And I can't let that happen. I have to protect Blaire.

She is snuggled up against my chest, and I want to stay like this forever, holding an angel in my arms.

Ben's POV:

I am back at the nightclub. I drink to forget my problems. Once I am good and drunk, I end up doing something terrible, but I take the risk.

I am drunk as I was before, and I am driving, to a certain someone's apartment. I arrive there, miraculously, without killing myself, and bash in the front door. I hear someone running down the hall. It's Jonas. Just who I was looking for. I punch him in the mouth, grab his shirt, and pull it over his head so he can't see. Blaire runs into the room and curses. She grabs me, and I let go of Jonas.

She grabs my hair and bashes my head into the wall. Pain explodes in my head. She sweaters me and uppercuts me several times, Colton Orr style. I get out of her grasp, and slap her in the face, then hit her in the mouth, throwing her to the ground. She is bleeding, but I don't care. That little witch deserves it. Jonas comes out of nowhere, and pins me to the wall. He slams me into it. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!! YOU HEAR ME!!! TOUCH HER AGAIN, I'LL KILL YOU!!" He yells, furiously into my face.

The police arrive and take me away. I am handcuffed and shoved into the back of the police cruiser. They can't send me to jail, just fine me, since I am a professional athlete. I will be back to get him. I finally had something good, and he took it all away...

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