Chapter 12.... Happiness, Fun, Kindness, and Devastation...

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Ben's POV:

I am coming back for today's practice. Blaire and Jonas are never going to talk to me ever again. EVER. I ruined it for all of us. The rest of the team found out, and now they all hate me too. Only Colby has texted me. He is like the team dad, so he talks to evreyone, no matter the circumstances.

C: Ben, hi.

B: Hi, Colby.

C: When you come for the practice tomorrow, please just steer clear of Blaire and Jonas, they aren't really prepared for your return.  I seriously don't mean it to offend you. Jonas is going to be super protective, and so are Brown and Orr.

B: Got it. I don't really expect anyone to talk to me anyways.

C: Don't take it personally. They are just being defensive of those two. I'll hang with you if you want.

B: Sure.

C: See you tomorrow!

B: See ya.

I can't wait to be back, but I really don't want to go. To be honest, I am scared. I will never talk to Blaire again, and Jonas is going to kill me. I vow to never drink again.


I arrive at the arena, super nervous. Everyone is already in the dressing room, and they all stare. Colby waves. I manage a weak smile. "Hi." Nobody answers. My stall has been moved, to across the room from Blaire and Jonas. Colton Orr is on the left of Jonas, and Blaire is on his right. In my old spot, is Mike Brown.

I sit down in my new stall, between Mark Fraser and Colby. Blaire and Jonas are half dressed, and everyone else is just getting started. I hear a squeak, and Blaire walks out of the room. Jonas follows. I hear a lot of Swedish from the lounge room, and they walk back in. By the time they return, I am half dressed too.

Blaire has been crying. Her face is red, and her eyes are swollen. I can't take it. I walk into the rubber floored bathroom, and I can't help myself. I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. Why am I so stupid? I guess she didn't see me come in, and Blaire walked in herself. She took one look at me, and rushed over. She wrapped me into a hug.

"I am so, sorry." I tell her, still crying. "I know." She says and her voice cracks. we stand there for a while, hugging and crying. "I told Jonas you weren't in here." She says. "I know you were drunk. It was a mistake. Mistakes happen." She tells me.

I am so relieved.

Blaire exits the washroom, and five minutes later, Blaire texts me that the coast is clear. I walk back to my stall. Jonas went to fill his water bottle. We all finish dressing, and we get out there for practice. We start with skating drills, and then the shootout challenge. Us goalies have a contest too. We see who stops the most shootout shots. Blaire won by two saves this time around. Jonas in 2nd, and I finish last. Bozie wins with the most goals.

Jonas skates over to me. "Look, Benjamin. Blaire told me to give you one last chance. Let's forget it, okay?" he says. "Sure. I'm so sorry, and I feel like such a dirtbag. I can understand if you never want to talk to me again." I tell him. "It's cool now. We're all good? You, me and Blaire?" Jonas asks. "Yes. I promise I will never drink again, and you can guarantee I will mess anyone up who tries to mess with you or her." I tell him.

Blaire's POV:

So now, we are all good with Benny. I am so glad. Jonas, Ben and I are going out for dinner tonight at Messis, a restaurant in Toronto.

But now, I really need to get ready.  I throw on some music, and get to work. I curl my hair lightly, with loose curls, and apply some light makeup. I don't need much, so I just swish on some mascara, eyeliner, and a sweet pink lip gloss. I wear a light, flowy, teal dress, and a knitted white sweater. I pair it with some teal flats, and head into the living room. Jonas is already there, waiting for me.

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