The crazy family gets banned from Detroit

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It's been a few hours since you confronted your ex boyfriend's father and grandmother and since they have been arrested. You, Connor, Hank, and your parents are now in court, you're all on one side and your ex boyfriend's are on the other side. There are some police officers in the court room and you're all waiting for the judge to arrive. Several minutes later, the judge is finally here. (Btw, I barely know anything about court stuff and laws, so please bare with me if this is bad writing on this chapter lol XD)

The judge: *she enters* "Good evening, everyone."

You and everyone else: "Good evening."

The judge: "Please, sit."

You and everyone else: *you all sit down*

The judge: *she sits down as well* "I believe we need to talk about the reports towards the (your ex boyfriend's family's last names) family. Is that correct Miss (your last name)?"

(Your name): "Yes, ma'am."

(Your ex boyfriend's father's name): "That is a load of bullshit."

(Your mother's name): "You are a load of bullshit!" *she says to your ex boyfriend's father*

The judge: *she slams the gavel* "Order! Silence please..."

Connor: "I'm sorry, ma'am. Please continue."

The judge: "These reports towards this family, (your name). Please, tell us more details."

(Your name): *you stand up* "Well, your honor, I would like a restraining order against these people. You should know what they have done. Ever since I started dating (your ex boyfriend's name), whom is my ex boyfriend now. This family right here..." *you point at your ex boyfriend's family* "...has put me through a lot of shit mentally. They mentally harassed me and and treated me like shit and like my mental health didn't matter an-"

(Your ex boyfriend's father's name): "We didn't do shit to you!"

Hank: "Shut the fuck up, asshole!"

(Your name): "Thank you, Hank. Anyway, they don't care what other people think, they just want everyone to do stuff their way. While I was dating (your ex boyfriend's name), they would force me to tell him to do better in school and tell him to do his work when they should be the ones to do that since it wasn't my responsibility. I mean, yes, he should've done better in school but they should've been more responsible for him doing his work, not me. Everything that he would do was always on me and I was always responsible for it!"

(Your ex boyfriend's grandmother's name): "It was your job to make sure he was doing better in school."

(Your mother's name): "No! It wasn't! No matter what she would tell him, he still wouldn't listen to her just like he wouldn't listen to you."

(Your ex boyfriend's father's name): "Shut the hell up, bitch!"

(Your name): "Don't talk to my fucking mom like that!"

(Your ex boyfriend's father's name): "Fuck you, (your name)!"

The judge: *she slam the gavel* "Order! (Your ex boyfriend's father's name) please allow (your name) say what she has to say. That also includes you (your ex boyfriend's grandmother's name). Please continue, (your name)."

(Your name): "Thank you, honor. Anyway, one time, this lady right here..." *you pointed at your ex boyfriend's grandmother* "...harassed me about my age. I was 17 and he was 15 by the time when we were dating. She said that I would get in trouble just because I was almost an adult at the time but I wasn't even 18 at the time. What do you have to say to that, honor?"

The judge: *she thinks for a moment*

(Your name): *you were feeling nervous and your hands were shaking*

Connor: *he notices that your hands are shaking, he holds your hand and holds you close for comfort, he whispers in your ear* "Everything is going to be okay, baby. Just keep calm."

The judge: "That is harassment, yes. (Your ex boyfriend's father's name), (your ex boyfriend's grandmother's name)? Are you aware that any kind of harassment, including this kind of harassment is against the law?"

(Your ex boyfriend's father's name): *he sighs, he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms*

(Your ex boyfriend's grandmother's name): *she crosses her arms as well and glares at you and said in a grumpy tone* "Yes..."

The judge: "Alright, then, (your name), I accept your restraining order against the (your ex boyfriend's family's last name) family. And also, they are ordered to be banned from Detroit. If they ever return, they will be arrested." *she slams the gavel*

Connor: "Thank you, honor. We appreciate you!"

(Your ex boyfriend's father's name): "What?! This is fucking bullshit! You can't do this!"

The judge: "Silence! (Your name), do you have any final words to them?"

(Your name): *you looked at your ex boyfriend's father and grandmother with a straight face* "After today, I better not see you again. If I ever do, I will just have my boyfriend right here report you to jail." *you hold Connor's hand*

Connor: *he holds your hand and glares at your ex boyfriend's family*

(Your ex boyfriend's father's name): *he mumbles, he gets up, he walks through the door and slams it*

(Your ex boyfriend's grandmother's name): *she does the same thing and leaves as well*

The judge: "(Your name) and everyone else, you're free to go."

You, Connor, Hank and your parents leave court. Your parents tell you that they are so proud of you, including Connor. You felt good now that you will never see your ex boyfriend's family again and you really needed to rant out the words you said to them and what you told the judge, you have been waiting that for a while. You and everyone decided to go to the cafe to celebrate a little and needed to chill for a bit after all the yelling and ranting. While you were eating, you felt way better and you were chatting with Connor, Hank and your parents. You had an amazing night because you were feeling better and you didn't think about your ex or his family at all. It was a great feeling.

I won't abandon you (Connor x reader romance story) - Detroit: Become HumanWhere stories live. Discover now