Chapter Thirty-Six

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November 10th, 2010
Washington, DC

Okay, I might have lied to Jennifer about where I was going. Grace, my ex called me earlier today. She needed help on this business she wants to open. I wasn't going to be mean and say no. It's a simple business meeting, kind of.

We met at my favorite steak house to go over some stuff.

"It's good to see you Em" she said when I arrived to our table for the night. She pulled me into a hug.

"Like wise" we pulled back and I sat down. We ordered our drinks and food before we got down to business.

"So, what business are you trying to open?"

"I want to open my own art studio with my paintings and pictures." Grace was an amazing artist and photographer. When we were together she would paint pictures of me and take photos. Most of them were X-Rated but she gave me all the original copies when we broke up.

"Okay, have you started looking at buildings and everything?"

"I have. My parents actually got it for me, I just haven't had time to sit down and talk to someone about it. Hence why I called you"

"Well, I'll try to help as much as I can" we spent half of the dinner talking about her business and everything she wanted to do with it. She wanted to be able to have people come in and create their own artwork as well.

"So.. Have you started dating again?" She asked. Here we go.

"I have."

"Does she make you happy?"


"Does she know you're out with me?"

"She does not." I see her smirk "She trusts me. We have an understanding relationship"

"Does Liz like her?"

"She does. Spence likes her as well. We got a house together about a month ago with Derek and her two friends."

"Oh wow. That's a big move for you.. Again." I sighed.

"Everyone isn't like you Grace. I don't know if you forgot or not, but you cheated on me. In OUR house, that I paid for."

"That's in the past Emily."

"And so are we. If you are going to bring up my relationship then I can't help you with your business. "

"Whatever. I'll be on my best behavior"

"Emily?" I heard a voice say. I closed my eyes before turning towards them.

"Hey Derek, Pen" he looked between Grace and I.

"Hi Derek"

"Hey Grace, what are y'all doing?"

"Just having a business meeting is all"

"Hmm, Emily can I speak to you?" Derek said. I knew he was pissed off with me. "Babygirl play nice" he said to Pen before we walked away outside.

"What the hell are you doing with her?!"

"She called me and wanted me to help her with her business idea, that's all!"

"Does JJ know?" I got quiet when he asked me that. "Really Emily? You didn't bother to tell your girlfriend that you're having dinner with an ex?!"

"I didn't think it was a big deal! It's just dinner!"

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