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School was, to put it simply, hell. Ryou could never understand the lengths people would go through just to create hell for someone else. Surely it took more effort to inconvenience someone than to leave them alone, right?

Ryou stared at his blank notebook, drawing circles with his finger across the paper. He couldn't see what the teacher was writing on the board, so there wasn't any point in trying. Ryou's bad eyesight was no secret to anyone, but nothing was ever done about it.

He sighed heavily, wishing that class would end already. Ryou was somewhat excited for lunch, as that was when he would find the opportunity to slip through the gates and leave. He felt around in his pocket for the money he had swiped from Akari when she wasn't looking, and smiled to himself. Ryou took some bills out and carefully placed them in a pack of tissues he brought with him everyday, patting it contentedly.

Ryou's mind drifted off to Cafe Ben, and he felt the burning feeling of excitement race through him. Ryou had made it a routine to visit at least twice a week and Kikuchi was more than happy for the company. Ryou's fingers drummed against his desk, impatient for the bell to ring.

Time seemed to drag its feet before the bell finally rang and Ryou was quick to spring up from his seat with his bag in tow, running for the door. A hand shot out and blocked the door before Ryou could open it, and the familiar feeling of his heart sinking to the bottom of his soul was suffocating.

"What's the hurry?" One of the older kids in Ryou's class sneered as he held the door shut. Ryou recognized him as a boy with a fire quirk. "We all eat lunch here, d'ya needa use the bathroom or something?" He inquired with a knowing look. Ryou shifted uncomfortably at the confrontation and nodded timidly.

Katashi Sakamoto, notorious for his bad behavior and ill-mannered attitude to everyone, his friends included. His refusal to obey school dress code had landed him in the principal's office more times than anyone can count, eventually causing school staff to give up. The four earrings he wears (two on each ear) are the main reasons for his trips to the office.

A brief pause before the pyromaniac pretended to yield, but when Ryou reached for the door again, his shoulder was grabbed. Ryou yelped in surprise, eyes widening slightly and looked at him in shock.

"Get your hand off of me," He murmured, feeling uncomfortable at the contact because he was afraid he would get burnt, "I don't even know you, no need to be rude..."

There was another pause. Then a chuckle, and Ryou believed that he was off the hook.

Ryou tended to be wrong in most cases. Ryou clenched his eyes shut as a fist slammed into his face. He got punched so hard that the sting was instantaneous and left his head ringing loudly.

"Who're you to tell me how t' behave, eh? No needa give me that look, Ryou. I simply pulled you to the side to ask you to do us a favor. If you do it, maybe I could keep you around."

A favor? Ryou flinched when an arm was raised and roughly landed on his shoulder.

"Heh, look how jumpy he is, Sakamoto." A voice behind Ryou snickered, and a few more snickered alongside it. Ryou timidly made eye contact Sakamoto. Sakamoto was taller than him by a few inches with black hair and golden eyes. He had a violent look in his eyes and always looked like he was ready to fight.

Sakamoto was smiling with mischief and finally let go of Ryou's shoulder, "So, are you up for it? It's simple, really. Nothing too bad."

Ryou shook his head no, feeling like something bad would happen if he agreed. Sakamoto laughed loudly, before his lighthearted demeanor shifted into a cold one.

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