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When everyone was back in class, Aizawa informed them that they'd be having a 2 day break to rest. As they sat in class, Ryou noticed from the corner of his eye that Bakugo still had the medal in between his teeth, an amused smile spreading across his face.

Despite his laid back demeanor, Ryou actually felt extremely exhausted. It might've been due to all of the events sapping his energy along with all of his minor flashbacks.

"Oh and, a bunch of pros were watching the festival, and I'm sure that some of them are going to want to recruit some of you," Aizawa explained murmured, "So... get some rest. You all still have a lot of training to do."

Ryou sighed in relief, getting up when all of his classmates had. He needed a cigarette, Ben, and Yuzuki, in that order.

When Ryou finally retrieved his phone, it was just as he expected. He had countless text messages from both Ben and Yuzuki, and after the awards ceremony, he even received a few calls from Ben. Since he was going home soon, he didn't bother responding, instead pocketing his phone and getting ready to hear from them at the cafe.

"...Ryou, are you heading home now?" Todoroki asked, standing up in unison with Ryou. Confused at his desk mate's out of the ordinary inquiry, Ryou nodded. From Ryou's nod, Todoroki hummed, "Follow me."

Ryou, still confused, did as he was told. He waved briefly to Uraraka and Midoriya, both of them watching him go with curious expressions on their faces, before following Todoroki down the hallway.

"Where are we going?" Ryou asked after a few seconds of walking. He wasn't unfamiliar with the school, but there were just so many facilities that were available for students to use that there was no telling where Todoroki wanted to take him.

"Here." Todoroki said, his response a bit delayed as he stopped in front of an all too familiar door.

Ryou looked at Todoroki, trying his best not to look too miffed, "...What are we doing here?" He asked, looking up at the sign that read NURSE'S OFFICE, the sign cutely decorated with pink decorations courtesy of the youthful nurse herself.

"You should get checked out. There's no harm in it," Todoroki said simply, opening the door for Ryou before ushering him in.

Ryou sighed heavily, not understanding why this was so important to his typically-indifferent classmate, but allowed himself to get healed by Recovery Girl.

She had also given him a somewhat disapproving look when she saw him walk through the door.

"Thanks for bringing him here," She grumbled, rolling her stool over to the cot, poking it with her cane, "Take a seat."

The room was mostly silent, except for when Recovery Girl's loud kiss pierced through the silence. Once Ryou felt the pain in his side dissipate and the cut in his cheek close up, he felt his body slump slightly. He let out an even more exhausted sigh, slowly getting up.

"Thank you, Recovery Girl," He said politely, bowing ever so slightly, before looking at Todoroki. "Alright, you happy now?" He asked with the slightest bit of attitude, following Todoroki out the door.

"Yeah," Was all Todoroki provided, and to his credit, he really did seem happy. His brows were no longer creased in worry and he no longer was watching Ryou like a hawk.

Ryou sighed heavily, feeling a bit guilty again for making him worry about him. In all honesty, Ryou didn't think it'd be such a big deal to him. After all, they weren't even friends, classmates at most. On top of that, he still had lingering feelings of guilt for making Todoroki feel bad for using his quirk during their fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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