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"What's the sleeping situation?" Moora asked as the boys turned off the camera after filming our last clip before we go to sleep.

"Well I suppose we can just sleep in the beds upstairs. They've got two singles in the other room so we there should be enough for the four of us and Corey has a bed and a pullout couch if we wanna stay in there" I offered. To be honest I wanted to stay in Corey's part of the house but I had a feeling that the boys wanted to sleep upstairs because it would be more freaky.

"I vote for upstairs." I knew it. I gave Colby a look when he said that and he only smiled.

"Okay but can we all sleep in the same room? Like move the other mattresses into the room because I don't like the idea of sleeping in their alone" It was the truth, Especially being upstairs in the middle room, the most haunted room.

We made our way upstairs and set the single mattresses together on the floor for Moor and I to share while Sam and Colby had the other bed. We decided to changed the sheets because they were dusty and old.

"Dude i fucking hate doing this" Colby complained, clearly struggling with making the bed

"Dude it's not that hard." I said and started to help him as Sam started placing equipment around the room. Moora grabbed the camera and started filming herself.

"Hi I'm filming now, here's just a little update. We've made up camp in the middle room much to mine and Ciana's distaste. For any ladies out there Colby sucks at making bed so if you thought about it you better be prepared to make his bed for him" I laughed and she panned the camera around to see him trying to get the sheet on a corner and me doing the other three. She turned the camera back to her and began to speak again.

"Sam is setting up some of the equipment around the room so we can catch anything through the night and we'll be filming so if anything happens we'll hopefully have footage of it" Moora pointed the camera towards Sam who was calibrating the music box.

"God I hate that sound so much" I mumbled before taking a seat on the bed.

"I've set my alarm for 3am and so has everyone else so we can wake up and hopefully catch some killer evidence. Till then!" Moora covered the camera and stopped filming.

I pulled out my phone to be bombarded with instagram notifications.


I opened the app and I audibly gasped.

"What happened?" Sam asked

"I just gained like 10 000 followers and I have no idea how."

"Probably because Colby posted you on his story. I'd recommend you both turn off your notifications because from now on you'll be getting a lot of them" I sighed and went into my settings, turning off my notifications like Sam suggested before putting my phone down.

I crawled into bed next to Moora immediately feeling fatigue washing over me, I didn't realise how tired I was until i laid down.

"Alright. Goodnight guys, see you at the witching hour" Everyone replied with good nights and I snuggled up into Moor's shoulder, instantly feeling a sense of comfort. My eyes fluttered shut and I slowly dozed off into the unknown.


I heard the slight beeping of the rem pod going off but I couldn't move, I felt like I was held down to the bed and my eyes and mouth were sewn shut, I felt a breath near my ear and panicked, this has to be some crazy lucid dream or some shit. There's no way it's real.


"come down.."

"I promise we're friendly"

"Come. Down. Now"

"Base.... ment."

raspy, inhumane voices filled my ears, I imagined myself building a brick wall up, protecting me and everyone here. Building up the strength I spoke.

"No. Leave me alone. You are not welcome to touch me or communicate with me nor anyone else here." I was stern but quiet trying not to wake anyone else up. Something screamed and my eyes burst open, tears pricking the edges while it felt like My chest was released and I could sit and move again.

I didn't think about my next actions, he was closest to me and he was a guy, that's probably why. Moor wouldn't be able to protect me, as much as she hates to admit it.

I shook Colbys leg, standing up and gaining my balance I started to move towards him, shaking his shoulder.

"Go away Sam, it's too early." He mumbled

"It's not Sam.." I said quietly. He rolled onto his back, his tired eyes meeting my frightened ones, his quickly changed to concerned.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He checked the time on his phone, 2:50 a.m as he got out of bed and sat on the floor with me.

"I. I don't know, I woke up hearing the beeping of the rem pod and I had this feeling like I had a shit ton of bricks on top of me and I couldn't open my eyes or my mouth, I thought it was like sleep paralysis or some lucid dream but I started hearing shit, these voices, all leading towards the basement.. So I started to protect us all and I was able to speak. So I did, I told it to back off and it's not welcoming to touch us or contact us. It must've left then because I felt normal after that, no weight nothing. But it was so scary and I don't know why I woke you up and gosh I'm sorry I know you must enjoy your sleep and I just broke that and you're not going to get much sleep anyway. Oh sorry now I'm rambling"

Colby grabbed my upper arms as a sense of comfort and looked me in the eyes.

"It's okay Ciana, you're allowed to be scared, that's a crazy ass experience, dream or not. I can catch up on sleep later, I'm glad you woke me up, don't be sorry." He pulled me into a slight hug and we just sat there for a minute, I felt so comfortable with him. Sam must be lucky to have a friend like him.

Suddenly everything went off. The alarms. The rem pod. The music box. The spirit box somehow turned on, spitting out words we couldn't understand. Moora and Sam shot up and looked towards Colby and I who were now standing up looking towards everything. I glanced to the camera to see if it was still recording, it was.

"What the fuck!!" Moor yelled and ran towards us, Sam had jumped out of the bed and grabbed the camera. This was unbelievable.

"Come downstairs." I heard it again.

"No. Stay away from us."



everything intenesified and suddenly came to a halt, exactly like some horror movie jump scare.

Word count: 1172

A/N: Hey hey author 1 here. Thank you all for the reads it's incredible. Sorry for such a late post, things have been crazy lately. I also don't recommend writing this kinda stuff at night. It's creepy asf. Anyway remember I love you and you're amazing. 💝💝

The Paranormal [Sam and Colby]Where stories live. Discover now