Eden's POV (Present Day)

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... Now, I wasn't particularly interested in such a thought, however-

.. Oh. Pardon me, I didn't realize you showed up. Finally. You know how ridiculous it is to wait two whole chapters that you can't even read? It feels like years, I tell you, to wait that long. But you're not here for my banter, yes? Then I'll get to what you're here for.

I was on my way through Atlantide, strolling along on the streets as the night grew darker and darker. It was quite a beautiful sight, really, with the moon glazed over with faint clouds and bright stars in the sky. The only light I had to guide me were those of the street-lamps on either side of the road. And yet, despite all this luxurious scenery, the only thing I could think about was that strange fellow who I fought earlier. They certainly weren't a member of any guild I knew of, unless they gained new members when I hadn't noticed.

It was odd to have my mind occupied in such a manner. Perhaps I should have let them live, toyed with them a bit more. But, alas, what's done is done. There was no going back on it now.

I made it to a split in the road, and automatically veered to my left. Going right would lead back to the harbor, and I didn't feel like heading there before going home. There was a peaceful silence as I walked through town, the only noises being my boots against the old stone paths. A nice rhythm to keep me satisfied. That was, of course, before I heard an abrupt noise to an alley near my right. I didn't investigate it at first, but all it did was keep making noise. An inhuman noise.

Fear not, reader- there was no deadly beast in the alley. Right when I went up to see what had ruined my tranquility, a small, white kitten strutted its way towards me, meowing furiously. I don't know what it wanted, but from the way it looked, it was probably hungry. And so, being the oh-so generous soul I am, I gave it some food.

That was my first mistake.

When I conjured the bowl of food and sat it down, I walked away, content. But for some reason, after taking about three bites out of it, the cat started following me. Why? I have no clue. But this cat was very determined to accompany me, which is something I didn't exactly want it to do.

"Hey, you. Shoo."


"I didn't ask for you. Go away."

I continued on. It seemed as though the kitten had listened, but after a few steps I felt something rub against my leg. It was the cat again.

"Hey- what are you doing? Your fur might not stick onto my clothes, but I'd prefer you not rub your scent all over me."


"Oh, don't act like you can't understand me. Leave me be!"


Every few steps, the cat continued to follow. I hope you realize how hard it is to take a peaceful stroll when there's a cat constantly at your feet- always risking stepping on it or fumbling over and falling. And people keep these as pets? In their houses? I applaud you, truly, for your hard work.

It was at this point that the moon had nearly arrived at its halfway point across the sky. I had been with this cat for about 30 seconds, and I already wanted it gone. Why was everything so annoying?


"I don't understand what else you could want from me. I gave you food. It's back that way- go eat it."


"Ugh. Cats. What is up with you?"

All it did was walk up to me and purr. I decided that maybe if I left it alone and walked away far enough, it would lose interest in me. With that in mind, I went along my way and tried to ignore it as best as I could. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours- and when I had traversed about half the city, I turned back to find those same damn blue eyes looking back at me. I do excuse myself for what comes next. Usually it takes a while for me to get angry, but apparently my weakness is cats.

"Ugh- what about 'go away' don't you understand!? You're an insufferable creature. Leave me be, and I mean it!"


"You heard me! Scram! Go back to whatever alley you trotted out of and eat that damn food I left you! Can't you see that I just want some privacy?"


I stormed over to the tiny feline and picked it up, holding it a moderate distance from my face.


I sat it down and watched it, waiting for it to leave. It glanced up at me, then back the way we came, and decided that it had enough of me. It veered past me and off into the night, the moonlight bouncing off its bright coat.

I sighed. I'm amazed at how people tolerate such an animal enough to love it. I think you call them "furr babies"? I don't understand why you'd want one of those being your children, but I'm not one to judge.

I am, actually, what is wrong with you?

Regardless of odd child alternatives, I looked to the sky and saw that the moon was getting ready for sleep. A plethora of pinks and purples formed on the horizon. I hadn't even realized that I had taken such a long walk- hopefully nothing went amiss back at the guild. I scoped the area before pressing on, just to check if that cat was still around, but it was nowwhere to be found. Splendid.

I turned a corner and entered a large plaza-esq place, with stalls and banners scattered about. A fountain was positioned in the center, lightly trickling water into its base. It was a relatively nice place, especially when devoid of people-

"Ugh, Lucas, I told you we should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque!"

I was wrong.

"David, for the last time, there IS NO ROAD CALLED ALBUQUERQUE. STOP SAYING THAT."

Lucas and David strolled into view on my right, towing behind some sort of.. ice block? At least, from where I was standing, it looked like one. Upon further inspection, though, I could make out a familiar set of clothes..

"Excuse me, kind sirs," I said as I abruptly teleported in front of them. Lucas immediately took a fighting stance, while David was still in shock.

"Eden. What are you doing here?" Lucas asked.

"I could ask the same to you. I, however, am more interested in that body you have back there."

"This guy? You know em?" David asked, haphazardly pulling the body into view. He had covered the poor persons arms in ice, presumably to stop the bleeding. I hope they enjoyed hypothermia.

"We have some.. unfinished business, yes," I responded, "so if you could please hand them over, that would be great."

"Nuh-uh. You ain't gettin shit from us," David spoke.

"Alright then. We'll just do this the hard way."

I conjured my scythe, swinging it in front of me to create distance between us.

"Now, what would you prefer?" I asked, "Sliced to ribbons? Or drowned in that fountain over there?"

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