Ori's POV (Present Day)

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Your eyes flicker open. A bright light shines on your face- the sun. You move your arms, which aren't as sore, and manage to sit up. Three people stand around you- all of them taller than you. Fuck.

One was a man in a white coat, with pointy ears. He had dark pants and boots, and his hair was slick, having a fade from dark brown to white on his shaved sides. His eyes were a typical blue color, but they pierced into your soul.

Another was much darker, with auburn hair and blue eyes, less threatening than the other's. He wore a sort of toga, with fingerless gloves and light-ish pants. He didn't wear boots, and instead had normal shoes. Something about him and the other man gave you weird vibes.

The last one was an elderly woman, but looked like one of those crazy antique shop owners. It was hard to describe her outfit, whether it was because you just woke up or she went through the deepest part of the ocean and came back with half the population of tropical fish. Which ever, you didn't like looking at her for too long.

"Seems like you can be awake and not fall over," the one in the white coat said. He squatted down next to you, getting a better look at you. "You've been passed out for hours. Do you know what time it is?"

You shake your head no, unaware for how long it's been since Eden left you to die.

"It's 12 PM. You've been passed out ever since when- 9 PM last night? Maybe 10 PM?"

"Yeah, you were out like a log. What exactly happened?" the other man asked, squatting down on the other side of you.

Before you answer them, you stand up completely. As they follow suit, you see just how tall they are.

"Oh shit, they're fucking mountains," you think to yourself.

"I- wow. You looked small, but I didn't think you were THAT short," the one in the white coat remarked, letting a smile fall upon his face.


"Look at them, Lucas!"

You let out a sigh, and then start explaining your experience via sign language- how you encountered Eden, how he killed your guildmates, and your fight with him that you miraculously survived. They listened intently, and by the end, their expressions were not good.


"He's a tough one indeed. Surprised he didn't take the time to actually make sure you died," Lucas said. "Do you know where he was going afterwards?"

You nod your head yes, signing the name "Abraham".

"Abraham? Who's that?" David asked.

"No idea, but if Eden wants to see them, they're probably no good."


"Might wanna get Devin on this. See if he can help," Lucas suggested.

"Yeah, he does know Eden pretty well."

"C'mon... uh... what's your name?"

You signed your name- Ori.

"Alright, Ori. Let's go, you gotta meet someone."

- - -

A fresh breeze blew delicately through the area, gently shaking the trees and grass. You followed Lucas and David through the guild, located on it's own island. The hall was a castle, built of brick and wood. You thought it was a bit excessive, the remembered what your guild looked like and immediately shoved the thought aside. Through the winding halls, you come to a stop in the main area.

A large table filled the center, with chairs surrounding it. At one end of the room was a window looking outside. On the other was a bar area, stocked with beverages. The room itself was massive, with a few corridors branching off to other areas. The ceiling was high above you, with a chandelier hanging down above the table. A group of people gathered around the table, discussing their days and such. When you entered the room, they turned to you.

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