Ori's POV (Present Day)

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You stood there, frozen, thinking about your current situation. Moving meant instant death, but so did not moving. In fact, you only have a few more seconds to live- you need to come up with something, and fast. But what? Lucas, David, and Devin are too far off to know, and you certainly don't want to bring the blind guy that killed your entire group off to them. What to do, what to do...

"Nowhere to run? Shame. Although the less of a fight you put up, the better-"

You collasp on the ground, faceplanting into the brick path. The pain is unbearable, but you manage to not make any noise and close your eyes.

"... Well... okay then.."

Eden cautiously approached you, standing beside your body.

"If this is some cheap trick, I swear I'll chop you down as soon as you get up."

He carefully crouches down next to you, and without missing a beat, you grab him by the collar and slam his face into the ground, rolling away quickly and standing back up. What came after was the most cursing and insults you've ever received.


"I- DID HE JUST CALL ME SHORT?? HOW DARE HE!?" you say to yourself, offended. However, you know that you probably shouldn't just stand there, and started to run to one of the two branching paths.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!?!?!?" Eden called, standing up and looking your way. But you were already around the corner and booking it to wherever is away from him. Houses fly past as you twist and turn through the city, taking sharp corners and getting hopelessly lost. Your legs are burning, your lungs hurt, but you refuse to stop until you find the others. You turn another corner, sprinting into another open area, much larger than the last.

Houses curved to form a large circle, with a much more grandiose fountain in the center. More stalls were scattered across the space, but wider apart. Enough room to run, vault, and roll, and they seemed light enough to push. The banisters and pennet flags were a a jump above you, easy to grab. Everything was stocked to the brim, and many items lay in an arms reach when standing about 30.48 centimeters away. You slow down, taking steady steps through the area. A faint scent of sea-salt followed the breeze, calming you down just a bit. Yet the feeling wasn't gone. Something urged you to just...

You whip around, side-stepping and backing into a stand. The blade flew past you with grace, disappearing in an instant. Immediately, to your right, Eden appeared, and you ducked, avoiding another attack. You scrambled away, and ran into another stall, Eden right behind you. You threw the items at him, but he dismissed them like nothing. He brought out his blade and sliced at you, nearly missing your face. You sprinted out and towards the fountain, diving into the water to escape another projectile.

Eden stepped up on the edge, and striked at you multiple times. You barely dodged them, circling around in the fountain, constantly tripping and falling in the water. Standing up one last time, you tackled him, bringing him and you down on the cold stone. You rolled away, backing up carefully. No point in running, he'll just find you again. You looked around, trying to find something to defeat him with, but nothing would work. Nothing was sharp enough to hurt him, and you were absolutely not going to initiate hand-to-hand combat with him. You felt your heart sink- No way out.

Eden stood up, dusting off the non-existent grime from his clothes. He looked at you, a small smile coming on his face.

"Nowhere to run," he said, bringing his blade out once more. He slowly advanced towards you, cornering you at a stall. "I hope you don't have anyone waiting for you back home-"


Eden paused for a moment.

"Is that-"


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