Ori and Eden's POV (Present Day)

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Eden's ears rang loudly, the only other thing that he could hear being the small pieces of brick crumbling over him. A large chunk of the building was on top of him, and the weightwas unbearable. His body throbbed, and it felt cold. He certainly wasn't dead, but this was much more pain than he had usually experienced. He shoved the rubble off him, stumbling over to a nearby stall, which was barely intact. That was quite the throw- he didn't think that a person would be so physically fit after almost dying.

"It seems I underestimated them a bit," he said, catching his breath. "Damn."

Looking over, he noticed the others were gone.

"Ran away, I see. I'll find them eventually."

He shook the ringing and nausea away, then stood upright. He walked over to the scene they had made- glad he didn't have to clean it up. Several stalls were torn to shreds, while others were flattened or had holes in them. Flags and banners lay scattered across the plaza, ripped apart or soaked. Huge spikes of ice and large pools of water occupied most of the remaining area, and in little drops around battleground, a bright-green substance gathered in small clots. Blood? He assumed it was from Ori, since they were the only one that got hit from his blade. He should've noticed it sooner, when they first fought, but he guessed he was too busy to really care.

"Green blood. Noted..."

He looked over to one of the paths branching into Atlantide. They were safe, for now- Eden wouldn't leave them alone for too long. But there was some things he had to do before finding them. One of those things was ensuring that no more of those guild members could join them. He already let two slip under his radar, and those two alone were already annoying. He was not letting another get away.

A purring sound came from behind him.


"Oh- it's you again. Can't you leave me alone?"

"Mreow :3"

"I guess that's a no."


"No, I am not feeding you. Go get your food somewhere else."

"Mrow :("

"Oh, don't go acting pathetic on me. I'm not swayed by it."


"N-O. No. I'm not doing it."

Eden proceeded to walk away, letting the cat follow him again. The bright streets felt dull and empty, as usual. There was no breeze, clouds had rolled in, and the only noises were his breathing and the cat's pitter-patter. Strolling through the streets back to the harbor, he started to think about the recent events. He's already been here three times in the past few hours, all for one cause. And that annoying Ori- how could they keep slipping away? They kept getting lucky, and it pissed him off. They're magicless as well- at least, that's what he thought, since he couldn't sense any magical energy off them. How could someone without magic anger him so much?

He eventually emerged at the harbor, which looked all too familiar by now. Nothing had changed, except the absence of another body- Ori's friend. Nobody else seemed to be alive, but he wasn't taking any chances. Ori was enough of a problem, he didn't want any more of them.

"How to get rid of you all..."


"You wouldn't understand, feline."


He let out a small sigh. He didn't really feel like manually cleaning it up, especially since all their blood would just stain his clothes.

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