Eden's POV (Present Day)

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"No matter how much you run, you can't escape me," Eden said with a smile, twirling his weapon in one hand.

"Your fancy-pants lines and language don't do shit to me, pretty boy," Xerin said as he prepared to charge.

"Pretty boy? I do appreciate the compliment, but now isn't the time for that."

Xerin growled, only making Eden's smile larger. He charged, and Eden simply stepped out of the way, sticking his foot out and tripping Xerin, causing him to faceplant into the ground.

"Oo, what a shame."


He swiftly jumped back as the blast of ice flew in front of his face, hitting a building and leaving a decent-sized hole. Out of nowhere, Devin came up and reached for the blindfold, but Eden grabbed his wrist and twisted it, making Devin let out a cry of pain.

"You all can't beat me. Especially without your oh so dear friend over there," He remarked, staring at Devin straight in the eyes.

"We WILL beat you, no matter what it takes," Devin refuted.

"Even if it takes a life? Maybe two? A few?"

He got no response. He smiled again, tossing Devin aside, then turned back to Xerin. He was already up, the crystals on his arms culminating at his fist.


"I'd rather not, thank you."

When Xerin charged at him again, Eden grabbed the crystal fist. The sharp gems tore through his gloves, lightly cutting his hand. He winced a bit, but it didn't hurt much. He pulled Xerin in, kicking him in the stomach, and throwing him behind him.

Lucas went in for an attack, but Eden dismissed it easily. He teleported in front of Lucas, snatching him by his toga and lifting him up in the air.

"A sob attempt, really. None of you are in shape to fight me," he scoffed with a sick grin sliding upon his face. He proceeded to throw Lucas into a nearby building, watching it collasp on the poor god-slayer. David prepared to attack, but Eden disposed of him by throwing him into the same building as Lucas, the house fulling breaking and burying the both of them under the rubble.

Only Xerin and Devin remained, but Xerin could barely stand and Devin was making a poor attempt at closing in on Eden.

"The fact that YOU'RE even alive surprises me," He said, looking at Xerin. "I specifically remember our little quarrel in the midst of all the chaos. You're quite the bold one... but that sadly puts you below the rest of your comrades."

Xerin only growled. Eden grinned.

"I have no time to dilly-dally with you. It was nice knowing you, I guess..."

He stood in front of Xerin, who was on the floor. He raised his blade, tilting his head slightly.

".... not really."

The sound of a blade echoed through the empty streets. Blood seeped through his clothes, slowly pouring out of the wound. They stood there, motionless. Eden dropped his weapon, almost hitting Xerin with it.

Ori stood behind him, their dagger halfway through his shoulder, tearing through the cloth and skin with dangerous precision. Blue blood spouted out, staining the serrated edge of the weapon. Eden flinched as Ori shoved the dagger deeper into his flesh, more blood spewing from the deep cut. It oozed down his back, dripping on the ground below. They had a firm grip of his other shoulder, their fingers digging into his hoodie. They then ripped the dagger out, and a slight noise escaped Eden's mouth. He grabbed his shoulder, blood staining his ripped glove. Severe waves of pain flowed through his arm. Nothing like when Xerin threw him into the building, but worse than most of his wounds.

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