Chapter 1

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Azalea Montgomery was sunbathing by the pool in the backyard of her home in Rome, Italy when she was interrupted by her phone ringing. She takes a glance at the screen before answering it.

"Well if it isn't Damon Salvatore. What can I do for you?" She says. The raven-haired Salvatore smiled at hearing his best friend's voice.

"Hey Lee, how ya doing?" He asks. Azalea could hear the slight nervousness in his voice and raised an eyebrow. Damon was afraid to ask the girl for the favor he called about.

"What do you want, Damon?' she asks him, sitting up from her relaxing position. Damon sighs and asks in a low voice.

"I need your help. Can you come to Mystic Falls?" He asks, not going into detail thinking she would say no if she knew what it was about.

Azalea rolls her eyes and stands up before speaking, " I'll be there in an hour" she then hangs up the phone and goes inside to pack.

At the Salvatore Boarding House, Damon is pacing back and forth in the parlor. Elena is sitting on the couch looking at him confused.

"Damon what-" she tries to ask but Damon cuts her off.

"Not now Elena! Holy fuck she's gonna kill me" he says frightened.

"Who's gonna kill you?" Stefan Salvatore had walked in the door right when he said that but nobody noticed. Damon jumped at the sound of his brother's voice.

"Stefan! Hey, how's my favorite brother?" He says nervously. Stefan immediately knew Damon did something stupid.

"What the hell did you do?" he asks, crossing his arms.

"Uh - I - well, you see..." he trails off. Damon didn't get a chance to try and explain due to the front door opening.

Stefan turned at the sound and was met with beautiful blue-green eyes. He sucked in a deep breath as he froze. Stefan Salvatore hadn't seen Azalea in over a hundred years. Before the girl could blink, she was in his arms. The youngest Salvatore held on to her like it was the last time he would ever see her.

"Azalea." he breathed out. Azalea returned the bone-crushing hug with a small smile on her face.

"Hi Stefan," she whispered, holding the boy she grew to see as a brother. Elena looked at the two confused and jealous.

"Who is she, Stefan?" Elena asked, standing up and walking over to the two. At the sound of Elena's voice, Azalea froze. She only had one thought running through her mind. Katherine.

Azalea slowly pulled away from Stefan and looked Elena dead in the eyes. All three of them could see the fury in her eyes. Elena took a step back in fear and Azalea took a step forward. She took another step forward and Elena took another step back. Stefan and Damon both took a step towards Elena to protect her if needed. Azalea then heard Elena's heart start to race and realized she wasn't Katherine. She calmed down a bit and smiled softly at the girl.

"I'm Azalea. Friend of the Salvatores," she says.
"I- I'm Elena Gilbert, not Katherine." She was still quite nervous around Azlea and it showed. Azalea took another few steps towards Elena and stopped. She looked at the Gilbert girl with a kind look on her face.

"A doppelganger, I see. I apologize, you just look exactly like her, and we didn't part on the best of terms. I hope you can forgive my previous actions." she says. Both Salvatores were shocked at the girl's apology. Never in their almost two hundred years of life had they heard her apologize to anyone. Elena visibly relaxed at this.

"Well, I'm not her. Although I'd be careful. She has a bit of a habit of pretending to be me" Elena states. Azalea lets out a soft laugh.

"I'm sorry, are we just gonna ignore the fact that Azalea just apologized? Like, sincerely apologized? Stefan, you heard that right?" Damon interrupts.

"Yeah, I heard it. Still trying to process it though." He says. Azalea lets out a breathy laugh and turns to her best friend. She walks over to him and hugs him. Then she pulls back and slaps him, a hard look on her face. Stefan starts laughing at his brother but quiets down when Azalea cuts her eyes to him.

"Damon. Outside. Now!" she says and storms out the front door, Damon hot on her heels.

"What the fuck! A heads up would have been nice." she scolds him. Damon lets out a nervous laugh and replies with a sheepish "Heads up?". The look on Azalea's face quickly silences him and he lets out a sigh.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay. I knew you wouldn't help if I told you what it was and that it involved a Petrova doppelganger," he says, looking down.

"That's where you're wrong Damon. I would have helped either way. You're my best friend. All you had to do was tell me. Because I'm not helping her, I'm helping you and Stefan." Azalea says. Damon hugs her and whispers a thank you. The two make their way back inside.

"So, you wanna tell me what exactly I'm helping with?" she asks as they all sit down.

"Well, there's an old vampire that wants to sacrifice Elena. And we don't want that to happen, so we need your help to kill him. And with what you are, we wouldn't have had a chance without you here" Damon says.

"And who the hell am I supposed to kill?" She asks.

"His name is Klaus. He's an Original Vampire." Elena speaks up. Azalea's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She felt like that name was so familiar and it brought a sense of comfort.

"Why would he want to sacrifice you?" she asked.

"He wants to break a curse that his mother placed on him. Elijah, Klaus' brother told us. He wants to help us save Elena and keep Klaus from breaking his curse. He made a move at the high school so we're all going to the dance tonight. " Stefan replies.
"Well then. I'll help under one condition. Nobody gets to know what I am. Stefan, Damon, and Kathrine are the only ones who know. You two are NOT allowed to tell anyone. Not even Elena or any of your other friends. Not that you have friends, Damon." Azalea says sternly. Stefan and Elena stifled a laugh while Damon muttered a soft 'ouch'.

"What about Katherine?" Damon asked. Azalea smirks and looks at him.

"I'll take care of that," she says with a smirk and walks out the door. The second the front door closed, Azalea disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

Inside the apartment, Katherine lifted her head at the sound of footsteps. Thinking it was Klaus, she didn't move until she heard a new and familiar voice.

"Come on Kitty Kat, I know you're in there" the voice taunted. The footsteps grew louder as the person walked closer. Katherine stood up and sped to where the voice was coming from. She stopped right in front of a figure and smiled as she recognized the one and only Azalea Montgomery.

"Hi Azalea," she said. Azalea smirked at the vampire before throwing her against the wall of the apartment. Katherine hit the ground with a loud thud. She felt multiple bones break and let out a groan. Before she could stand up, she felt like she was on fire. She could feel her blood boiling and let out a scream. Azalea then broke off the wood from a chair and threw it into Katherine's stomach. Finally, she used her magic to remove the daylight bracelet on the doppelganger's wrist and moved her in front of the window. She closed the curtains a second before Katherine burst into flames.

"Well that wasn't very nice," she says as her body slowly healed.

"I told you I'd make you pay for what you did to Stefan and Damon. That was your payment." Azalea smiles at her and continues speaking, " but... Unfortunately, that's not why I'm here." She then walks up to the vampire and starts to compel her.

"You are going to forget exactly what I am. All you know is that I am strong, powerful, and very dangerous." She speaks. Katherine closes her eyes and when she opens them a second later, Azalea was gone with not even a trace of smoke to even signify that she was there.

Katherine hears the front door open and Alariklaus (that's what I'm calling him) steps into view moments later. He looks around and sees the bloody makeshift stake and the broken chair. He then looks from Katherine to the Katherine-sized dent in the wall with a raised eyebrow.

"Hell happened to you?" he quizzed. Katherine groans before replying.

"Visit from an old friend. For some reason, I have a habit of pissing off old, powerful people," she says somewhat sarcastically. Klaus chucked before walking out again for his/Alaric's meeting at the Salvatore house.

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