Chapter 5

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Azalea is in the apartment with Klaus and Elijah. Stefan went to go pack for his "Decade long bender" as Klaus likes to call it so he wasn't there.

"Azalea, what's this about you being chained to a basement floor?" Klaus questions, glaring at his brother.

"Ah yes, that. You see, Damon betrayed me and made a deal with your brother. My life for elenas. So he knocked me out and chained me to a basement floor until the ritual was over. I didn't wake up until this morning. Although, Damon's efforts at keeping his wannabe girlfriend safe were useless, seeing as you're a hybrid. Which means Elena is dead anyway. Oh and I found that loophole by the way. I was a little... preoccupied.. So I couldn't tell you." she says. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out Esther's spell, handing it to Klaus.

The hybrid turns to his brother. " You chained her to the basement floor?" He questioned angrily. "You see, I was going to give you the location of our siblings so you could wake them, but now you can join them" he says and daggers Elijah.

After placing his brother in a coffin, Klaus makes his way over to Azalea. He sits next to her on the couch and looks her over for any injuries.

"Are you okay, love?" he asked. Azalea sighs and looks down.

"Physically, yes. Emotionally, no." she looks up at him with tears in her eyes.

"He betrayed me, Klaus. Over 100 years of friendship and he chose Elena over me without hesitation." she said angrily, talking about Damon. Stefan walks through the door a few moments later.

"Alright, let's get this over with," he says, a little upset. The three supernaturals walk out of the front door to a black SUV. Stefan reaches for the passenger's side door when his hand is harshly smacked away.

He looks up to see Azalea glaring at him. "If you don't get your bunny eating ass in the backseat, I will rip your throat out. With my teeth." she threatens. Stefan's eyes widen and he speeds to the backseat on Klaus's side. Azalea gets in the front seat and Klaus gets in the driver's seat, chuckling.

"Wait. Where's your bag?'' Stefan says to Azalea. She turns to him and smirks a little bit.

"I don't need one," she says simply with a shrug. Azalea looks out  the window, quiet. Klaus looked over to her, wanting to say something but decided against it seeing as Stefan was in the car as well. At some point during the ride, Azalea fell asleep. She was woken up hours later by Stefan shaking her awake.

"Hey" he says softly. Azalea looks around to find herself in front of a nice hotel.

"Where the hell are we?" she asked getting out of the car.

"Tennessee. Klaus is inside compelling us some rooms" Stefan answers.

As soon as he speaks, Klaus walked out smirking, handing Stefan a key.

"Where's mine?" azalea speaks up as they start walking towards the rooms.

Klaus glances at her and the girl can tell he's smirking. "You don't need one. You're sharing a room with me." he speaks arrogantly.

Azalea rolls her eyes and follows Klaus into the hotel room. The first thing she notices is that there's only one bed. She turns to Klaus and raises an eyebrow at him while he smiles back at her innocently. Rolling her eyes, she makes a beeline for the bathroom, telling him she's taking a shower.

Azalea steps into the shower, enjoying the hot water running down her body. While enjoying her shower, she gets lost in her thoughts, which just so happen to be about Klaus.

Why do I feel so comfortable around him? Isn't he supposed to be the bad guy?

All Azalea has ever heard about him was that he was evil. A monster. He was cold and heartless. He didn't care for anyone but himself. So why was he so different from her? He's never threatened her or done anything to put her in harm's way.

He daggered his own brother for hurting me. He was more concerned about me being hurt than Stefan was.

Azalea steps out of the shower, drying off. She makes a pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt appear on the counter from her closet back in mystic falls.

Klaus is sitting on the bed when Azalea walks out of the bathroom in a new pair of clothes. He was confused as to where the clothes came from because she didn't bring anything with her. He couldnt help but stare at how beautiful she was with such a casual outfit on and her hair in a messy bun. Azalea caught him staring but didn't comment on it. She simply walks over to the bed and sits down next to him. Neither of them say anything for a while.

"Whatever you want to ask me, just ask. I don't know if you'll get an actual answer, but ask." She breaks the silence.

"What are you? I get this feeling you're not just a witch." Klaus could feel the power radiating off of her from miles away but couldn't figure out what she was.

"That depends on what you plan to do with that information" she replies.

"I'm just curious love. I may ask for your help with some things over time, but I've never felt power like yours before and I've been around for a thousand years." he says honestly. For some reason he didn't know, Klaus couldn't see himself using her for his own gain or hurting her.

Azalea takes a moment to ponder his response, debating whether or not she should tell him. Finally, she decides to do it. Besides, it's not like he can kill her, let alone control her. Azalea is strong enough to leave whenever she wants and make him believe she's still there with no effort. But she chose to actually stay.

"I'm a tribrid. And for your information, I'm not a witch. I'm a vampire, werewolf and sorceress. My dad was werewolf royalty and my mom was a Montgomery sorceress. I'm the last of both bloodlines." she says.

"Who was your father?" Klaus asked.

"I'm the daughter of Erik Knight" she responds simply.

Klaus stiffens at the name. "The queen of all wolves. When you're ready, you'll step into your crown" he says quietly.

Azalea freezes. "How do you know that? My father used to tell me that all the time when I was a little girl." she says.

"He got it from me. We were friends"


Klaus and Erik were walking through the forest talking and enjoying each other's company. It was one of the rare moments in life where Klaus felt at peace and almost human. Erik knew Klaus was a vampire and Klaus knew Erik was a werewolf. But that didn't bother either of them. They appreciated the fact that they didn't have to hide their supernatural sides away from each other.

"So erik, how is your little one?" Klaus asked.

"She's great. She just turned 5. We almost had a close call with her triggering her curse a few weeks ago but she doesn't let it affect her. Still as happy and playful as ever. She knows about being a wolf and where I come from. She is to be the queen of all wolves but I fear she won't be ready when she triggers her curse. She'll have to take over my position and that's a lot to put on my little girl. '' Erik rants.

Klaus smiles kindly at the man, "You have nothing to fear, my friend. When she's ready, she'll step into her crown. She'll be the greatest ruler the wolves have ever known."

Azalea opens her tearfilled eyes from the memory Klaus just showed her.

"Thank you." she whispers, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. Klaus whispers a soft "youre welcome" and holds the crying girl until she pulls away.

"Why don't you get some rest, Love? I'm sure the past few days have been draining and we have a big day tomorrow." Klaus said softly, looking at her.

Azalea gets in the bed and lays down. Klaus is about to leave when she quickly catches his hand. "Lay with me? Please?" she asked. Klaus smiles softly and gets in the bed next to her. Azalea immediately cuddles into his side feeling safe and comfortable with him and falls asleep quickly. Klaus lays there for a few minutes, smiling down at her while he holds her, drifting off to sleep.

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