Chapter 2

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Back at the Salvatore house, Stefan and Damon had called the Scooby gang over to tell them about their old friend.

"We have someone who can help us kill Klaus," Damon tells them.

"WHAT?!" Caroline says, standing up.

"She's an old friend of ours. We met her in 1862." Stefan chips in.

"So she's a vampire?" Bonnie asked.

"No, something else. Something far more dangerous. I can't tell you what exactly. We're sworn to secrecy." he responds.

Just as he says that Azalea walks through the front door. Everyone turns to her and she stops in her tracks, surveying everyone in the room. The room is silent as nobody knows who should speak first. Damon looks between Azalea and his friends before breaking the silence.

"Uh, so, this is Azalea. Azalea, this is Bonnie Bennet, a witch. Caroline Forbes, Vampire. Alaric Saltzman, history teacher by day, vampire hunter by night And you already know me, Elena and Stefan" Damon says.

"Lovely to meet you all. And a Bennet witch. I knew your ancestors. Very strong and powerful women" Azalea says with a small smile on her face.

Upon seeing the girl, Alariklaus didn't know what to think. He found himself attracted to her beauty and when he heard her voice, he didn't want her to stop talking.

"Wait. you knew Bonnie's ancestors?" Caroline cuts in

"Well, I'm over 300 years old, Sweetheart. Of course I knew her ancestors. Lovely people for the most part. " she responds.

"Geez, when were you born? Even I didn't know that" Stefan says. Azalea turns to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't you know it's very rude to ask a woman her age, Stefan? But I was born in 1634." She responds with an amused look on her face.

"So back to Klaus. What exactly am I supposed to do?" she continues.

"You're going to the dance tonight, I'll have Ric put you down as a chaperone and you can be my hot date. Blend in and see if we can spot Klaus. Then that's when witchy over there comes in" Damon says.

Azalea rolled her eyes at Damon calling her his hot date but agreed nonetheless.

"Well, in that case, I better start getting ready," Azalea says before heading up the stairs. "I'm picking out my own room" she calls over her shoulder.

It's been a few hours and Azalea is putting final touches on her makeup when there is a knock on her door.

"Come in!" she calls out. Damon opens the door and steps into her room.

"You look beautiful, Lee." He says, walking up to her.

"Thank you, D. I had to travel to France to get this dress last minute" she chuckles before standing up. She grabs her clutch and Damon's hand and pulls him out of the room. The two head out to Damon's car and make their way to the dance.

Walking in, Azalea takes notice of the smell of cheap cologne and fake punch. (a/n school punch is fake asf idc idc idc) She walks over to the punch and waves her hand over it, spiking it with liquor before pouring herself a cup.

Azalea stood by the spiked punch bowl until Alariklaus walked up to her and asked her to dance.

"So, 1634, huh?" he asked. He wanted to know as much about this girl as possible seeing as the Salvatores didn't give anything away. He wanted to make sure she wouldn't get in the way of his plans.

Azalea got an off vibe from him, but responded nonetheless, "yes. August 11, 1634."

Alariklaus hums in response " Stefan and Damon said you're powerful. If you don't mind me asking, how powerful?" Azalea raises an eyebrow at him, giving a vague answer.

"Powerful enough to kill Klaus," she says. A look of guilt and remorse flashes in her eyes but is gone as soon as it came. Unfortunately, it did not go unnoticed.

"You don't want to kill him do you?" Alariklaus presses and she lets out a sigh.

"Honestly, I don't know. I mean, I would do anything for Stefan and Damon but every time I hear Klaus' name, it feels so familiar. And then when I heard Elijah's name, the same thing. Except, hearing Elijah's name, I feel like I know him. Like the part of my life that he was in is missing. But just because I don't want to, doesn't mean I won't." she confesses.

After the song ends, Azalea makes her way over to Damon. Once she's within earshot, she talks lowly so nobody else can hear. " There's something off about Alaric. He's giving me a bad vibe," she says.

"How? What did he do?" he asked with concern for his friend.

"He was asking me how powerful I was. I can tell he was trying to get information out of me. Be careful around him. I don't think he's who you think he is." she says. When she finally reaches Damon, she grabs his hand and starts to dance with him.

At some point during the dance, Alariklaus finds Elena and Bonnie and tells them that Klaus has Jeremy. After Bonnie "dies" from attempting to kill Alariklaus, the group is back at the boarding house, minus Damon.

"Well, that was a bust," Azalea comments. Damon walks through the front door and Azalea leaves, too upset with him to look at him. After sitting on the front steps for a few minutes, Damon comes outside and sits next to her. Neither of them says anything for a while until Azalea speaks up.

"Why? Why didn't you let me kill him? I could have killed him easily and Bonnie would still be alive." she whispers.

Damon sighs, "Bonnies not dead. She pretended to die so Klaus wouldn't know that she's still alive. Elena not knowing is what sold it and there wasn't enough time to tell you. I'm sorry."

Azalea nods and lays her head on his shoulder. "I just wish you would have told me. Damon, I thought she was dead. And I felt horrible because I thought Elena lost her best friend and I could've saved her."

Damon pulls Azalea into a hug and kisses the top of her head. "I'm sorry, ok, I'm so sorry" Azalea nods her head, letting him know she forgives him. The two sit on the stairs for a few hours in silence until Azalea falls asleep.

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