chapter one

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Y/n pov
I woke up to an alarm blaring in my ear, I slammed my hand on the alarm turning it off. I'm not much of a morning person and hate waking up early, but I also hate being late or not having enough time.
Today was the first day at my new school, I moved schools at the beginning of 8th grade partiality because of the fact we moved and the original school is way to far away. But also because of the bullying in the school.
It wasn't anything THAT bad but it would get on my nerves , it's the constant pestering about random shit that just pisses people off. " I should probably start getting ready" I think to myself.
I went downstairs and put some water to boil, and went back upstairs into my ✨amazing✨ room. Some people might find the design weird but that's what I love about it. It has some dolls hanging from the ceiling, newspapers of true crime stories stuck on the wall, fake blood on the floor with caution tape on my window. The blood was a pain, I couldn't walk around normally without stepping in the paint before it dried, so I had to re paint it and I ruined multiple socks in the process.
This school didn't have a uniform, thank god, so I could wear whatever I wanted. Though picking an outfit will take a while like usual.
After staring at my wardrobe for what felt like forever I finally picked out an outfit:

 After staring at my wardrobe for what felt like forever I finally picked out an outfit:

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It was simple but cute, as if on cue I heard the water boiling. I ran downstairs and prepared my tea/ coffee ( whatever you like) , my parents weren't home so I'd have to take the bus to school. I took my headphones and a magazine with the latest crime cases.
Once I got on the bus I tried to look for an empty seat, I saw a kid reading the same magazine as me, but I didn't want to bother him and sat in the seat behind him.
My hopes of sitting alone the whole bus ride were cut short at the next stop when a boy with curly hair sat next to me. I looked up from my magazine and dropped my headphones around my neck. " Eyo, what's your name?" The kid seemed to be in a daze but I noticed a doll in his arms, I waved my hand in front of his eyes " cool doll ya got there, you back to earth? " I asked looking at his doll for a bit longer, it looked cute but gave off a vibe at the same time " oh uh thanks and uh my names Jake, are you new here?" " No actually I've been in the same class as you this wholeeee time" I replied sarcastically " really? Im sorry I've never noticed you" he said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck " im playing with ya , yea im new here, also you got shorts thrown at ya? What an ass whoever did that" I pointed to the guy who did it, I didnt even know his name and he got on my nerves. " what's your name? You never told me?" I put a finger over my mouth " you'll figure out later, I've got a feeling that our first class will be together " all he did was nod and look at the guy in front.
I was late to the first class and I was for sure lost, so now Im in the school halls running around like a maniac. Finally I found the classroom for biology and practically ran in almost slipping the moment I got into the room. And now comes the feeling of everyone's eyes on me, how lovely " Ah you must be the new student , could you introduce yourself please? " the teacher asked and by her tone I had a feeling that I would like her. Also I saw jake and I smiled knowing that my prediction of us having the first class together was right! " Hello! Im y/n l/n, it's nice to meet... uh some... of you" I said while looking at the guy who threw the shorts at jake. The teacher seated me next to Jake thank the lords, but the doll was sitting on the left over seat " hey you mind if I sit here? I can keep the doll in my lap? Also whats its name? Im sorry for asking a lot of questions" I kind of rambled and blushed a bit from embarrassment yay " uh yea sure you can sit there and, his names chucky" " awhh how cute, sounds adorable, though im sure I heard that name somewhere before im just not sure where?" He didn't say much after that, and stared at the frog, pretty sure we had to cut it. " hey if you dont wanna do it I can, I mean I've got no problem with blood"
" no its alright, I'll just do it" " suit yourself man" I shrugged. The moment the tiniest bit of blood dripped out Jake looked like he was gonna pass out , he turned away and I sat up gently placing chucky down making sure he doesn't fall and went to jakes side to make sure hes fine. " you alright? " I asked patting his back " yea yea, im fine"
" you sure? You look like you're gonna throw up" my voice sounded more worried than I would like it to but oh well. When we turned back around we saw the frog completely massacred , my hand flew to jakes eyes " yea no you might die looking at that" jake took my hand off his eyes slowly " ive already seen it , doesnt matter " ah damn ok.
After the class ended I ran up to Jake " hey what type of music do you like? Im really into art and stuff so I thought maybe you were too?"
" I guess I like all type of music?"
" niceee, wanna hang after school? Chuck can come too!"
" chuck? You already gave him a nickname?"
"Of course! But I can't think of one for you yet at least"
" Also I can't today, my cousins coming over, next time?"
"Sure, just know my place is always open, you don't have to warn me about coming over"
Jake just smiled and the rest of the day was boring , as school is .
Words : 1066
Heyo , hope you liked the chapter , I did stop writing river phoenix fan fiction for now since Idk how to continue it, but I think ill be updating this one more
Laterz ·¥·

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