Chapter 3 (IMP)

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I was waking up from my room in the hazbin hotel and I was getting ready for today and making sure I'm in too top shape well as giant blue monster can be.

I then head downstairs to hear everyone chatting and once they see me I can tell the room just got a bit happier.

Charlie-Morning Y/N.

Y/N-Morning everyone!

Alestra-How are you this morning dear.

Y/N-Wonderful as always.

Just then we here Husk open a can of something it smells sweet.

Angel-Uhhh Husky what are you drinken?

Husk-What it's just a soda.

When I heard that I just smiled but I could tell everyone else was surprised that husk was drinking something other than alcohol even alestra.

Vaggie-But you always drink beer or some cheap booze.

Husk-Hey I just feel like doing something different alright so don't judge me.

Angel-Oooook with that out of the way watcha planning on doing today hunk?~

Y/N-Well today I was planning helping some other friend with there job today.

Niffty-Who are they?

Y/N-It's an assassination company called I.M.P I ran into them awhile back and helped fund there business.

Vaggie-But I thought you weren't into violence.

Y/N-I'm not but I will help others with whatever they need but I don't do any actual killing.

Y/N was in the office of IMP with some good friends Blitza, Moxie, Millie and loona and they were just talking on how to get business up and running.

Blitza-Ok thanks to Y/N's great donation to the business we got a kick start but we can't just depend on him all the time because I feel like that's just robbing him so any ideas?

Y/N-I could put up a billboard in pentagram city.

Blitza-Y/N I love it but you already did so much anything else.

Millie-What about a car wash?

Loona-Nobody cares about clean cars.

Moxie-I think we should be focusing more on the problem that you blew most of Y/N's donation on a TV ad.

Y/N-Blitza come on a gave you that money in good faith.

Blitza-I know I know I'm sorry.

Moxie-Plus loona is also at fault for our latest accident she was supposed to give us the full details of the target.

Loona-Oh sit on dick Moxie.

Moxie-YOU SIT sit on a-And the DO YOUR JOB!!!


Y/N-Hey hey hey calm down guys.

Loona-You know what Y/N I NEED A HUG!!!

Y/N-Alright bring it in.

Moxie-Hey what about me?

Y/N-Okay you get in here to.

I just hugged them both and get them to calm down.



Loona-Hey sorry mox for yelling at you and shit.

Moxie-It's fine.

They then turn to Blitza and Millie who are looking very surprised.

(Flashback end)

Charlie-Wow they sound like a colorful bunch.

Y/N-They are but they are my friends and I care about them.

Charlie-Alright have fun and stay safe.

I just wave them goodbye and start to head out towards imp.

(Time skip)
I made it to the imp building with no problems and fully in tact i head inside and I already here everyone I then head into the break room to find everyone.


They all just run up and hug me and just pull them closer.

Y/N-How have you guys been!?

Millie-Oh we've been doing great sugar.

Millie-Everything has been fine.

Loona-Better now that your here.


Y/N-Alright let's get to work.

Hells Friend(Warden Reader x Hazbin hotel & Helluva boss)Where stories live. Discover now