Chapeter 4(Y/N The music man)

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I was going back to the hotel feeling as happy as i could ever be but when im this happy my body dose this neat trick i chage color and i produce music and i can make copies but as i was about to do that i bump into three familer smells the three V's Velvet, Vex and Valentina.

Y/N-Well hey you three how are you?

I then quickley feel Velvet wrap her arms around me.

velvet-Y/N Its so good to see you again.

Valentina-How's it going big guy~

Y/N-I'm doing well i just came from helping some friends and going back to my sisters hotel.

Vex-Hey Y/N why are you green your aren't you supposed to be blue?

Y/N-Well you see i was in a musicle mood.

Velvet-Well what are you waiting for sing big guy i gotta film this.


(A/N:Skip to 1:49)

I then split myself into five blue being me but a little torn, green was a little bigger yellow was dry looking, red was more ragged and orange was smaller.

Y/N Blue:Im a warden i live in the daaaark.

Y/N green:Stone cold like our flesh coverd in marks.

Y/N Yellow:We're un-


Y/N Red:We'll bite off your-


Y/N Blue:But actually, we're harmless

All:We just want to dance!

Y/N Blue:Yeah!

Y/N:Orange:Can you help?

Y/N Green:Not I.

Y/N Orange:How about you?

Y/N Yellow:Go and die.

Y/N Orange:Pplease oh someone-

Y/N Blue:Listen, you're shiffting the mood go pitch to someone else.

Y/N Orange:But were un-


Y/N Orange:We won't bite off your-

All: Head mabey we were just mislead

When we were done singing we combined into one again.


Vex-How do you even do that?

Y/N-I don't know i just do when i feel jazzed up.

Valentina-Well that was some good singing you are very talented but we won't hold you from going home later Y/N~

They All gave me a kiss on the cheek as my horns glow red for a split second and then back to normal.

but what they don't know is someone got ahold of that video and was planning on doing something bad with it.

???-tgis will be good for rateings

Hells Friend(Warden Reader x Hazbin hotel & Helluva boss)Where stories live. Discover now