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genre: fluff, a little bit of lime

pairing: hanako-kun x female! reader

summary: [name] tries to steal hanako's hat due to her boredom and she wants to get his attention. now hanako has to teach her a lesson not to mess with a supernatural like him

warning: a lil spicy ;) read it by your own risk

[Name] searched for something fun to do after cleaning the bathroom as an exchange for the wish she made for Hanako not too long ago. The day is getting too boring after all.

Hanako sat by the window, playing koi-koi with the small pink supernaturals known as the mokkes. [Name] watched Hanako whine when one of the mokkes earned Five Brights once again. She quietly chuckled, he was too invested in winning the game. "I lost..." he sulked.

Then they went for another game. [Name] wanted to join them, but she had no idea how to play hanafuda. [Name] leaned against the sink, placing a hand on her cheek. "I'm bored," she sighed a bit loudly so Hanako could hear her but it seems that he was too focused on the game. Her [eye color] eyes landed on his hat, she thought to herself that maybe taking his hat would get his attention?

[Name] had a playful glint on her eyes. She removes her palm against her cheek and leaves the sink to sneak behind Hanako to take his hat. The apparition boy placed a card on the deck, then took another one from the stack and placed it with the match. [Name] swiftly removes his hat from his head and giggles teasingly. "I got your hat~"

Hanako turns around, patting his head to search for his hat. He laughed as he tried to chase [Name] around to get his hat back. "Hey! Give my hat back!" he shouted as [Name] ran faster while holding his hat.

Her laughter echoed in the hallways while running faster. She wears his hat above her head. [Name] turns to the corner, thinking that maybe Hanako won't catch her there. "Try to chase me then~" [Name] grinned at Hanako's figure from afar, trying to get closer to grab his hat back.

[Name] enters an empty classroom to see if there's any opening for her to escape to. Hanako went through the walls secretly as she was searching for a way to exit the classroom. [Name]'s reflexes went quick, grabbing the hat as Hanako reached for it. "[Name]! Can I have my hat please?" He tries to follow the movements of her hand that was holding his hat.

"Nope~" [Name] places her finger against his lips with a teasing grin. Then she runs away before Hanako is snapped out of his trance. Hanako thinks that she's definitely teasing him and it awakens something in him.

A smirk spreads across his breathtaking visual. Hanako knows what to do once he traps her under him. He's definitely going to teach [Name] a lesson not to mess with a supernatural like him. A lesson that'll make her even messier.

[Name] peeks in the bathroom to see if there's any signs of Hanako being there. He wasn't there yet. [Name] places a hand on her chest and lets out a sigh of relief. "Didn't think you'd be here, huh?" Hanako leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms. [Name] hugged his hat near her chest protectively, refusing to give him the hat. "Stealing my hat just like that, huh?" Hanako slowly walked towards her. "Wonder how you'll last under my grasp after what you just did~"

Cherry red color seeped through her cheeks to the tips of her ears. [Name]'s heart started to pound in her ribcage. She shakily pointed a finger at him, clearly flustered at his words and the way he says it. Hanako's amber eyes glistened in excitement at her blushing face. "What's wrong, sweetheart?~" He cooed, his fingers making their way to unbutton his gakuran top. "Getting a little flustered, aren't we?"

[Name] takes a step back, chuckling nervously when she saw that his eyes were dilated with want and need. If only she did not try to be playful and snatched Hanako's hat while he was playing cards with the pink bunnies. Hanako peeled off his top to reveal his white buttoned shirt underneath, a sly smile forming on his lips thinking that [Name]'s enjoying the view. "H-Hanako-kun!" she exclaimed, flailing her hands to make him change his mind.

Her back was pressed against the cold wall of the bathroom, stammering with a huge blush on her face as Hanako got closer and closer. The apparition boy's etched into a suggestive smirk, placing both of his hands on the sides of her head, trapping her in a kabedon. "What's wrong? Am I too close?~" Hanako leans in even closer, his hot breath fanning against her heating face. "How rude of you to tease yet you're being submissive right now~"

[Name]'s head was probably spinning around right now. His voice was low and husky and it's making her feel things that she couldn't feel before. Hanako is loving the way she was trembling under him. His amber eyes darted down to her glossy lips while slightly biting on his own lip. "We won't be needing this~" Hanako snatched his hat from her fingers and pulled her into one of the bathroom stalls. "So how should I punish my assistant for stealing my hat?" He asked, locking the door behind him.

"H-Huh?!" Hanako grabbed her wrists and pinned them on the sides of her head. [Name] can hear her own heartbeat from her chest on the ghost boy's actions. Yet he had the nerve to smile cheekily at her. "Whatever do you mean by that?!" she exclaimed.

"We're just gonna have a little discussion," Hanako dipped his head down to the crook of her neck as he raised his knee up between her thighs. [Name] softly sighed when she felt his lips kissing her jaw down to her clavicle. She felt him nibble her sweet spot, creating reddish marks all over her gentle skin.

[Name] wrapped her arms around his neck, lulling him closer as he lets her do his thing. Hanako's hands roamed around her body, caressing and rubbing each part that could make her elicit sounds of satisfaction. [Name] was having a hard time to hold back her sounds, then she felt him grope her chest. Hanako heard her whimpering his name as he did that. "Do you like it?" he asked.

"Mhm..." [Name] gives in too easily, letting herself get trapped by Hanako's schemes. Hanako continued to attack her neck by giving more bruises. He raised his head up to face [Name], who's now breathing heavily and a hot mess, he can read her eyes that she wanted more. Hanako kisses her quickly in which she immediately reacts by kissing him back.

Her fingers made their way between his choppy locks while her other hand remained around his neck. Hanako places his hand on the back of her neck, his thumb stroking the back of her ear as he wraps an arm around her waist, rubbing it gently as he makes the kiss needier and deeper.

And it went like that for a few minutes before they felt the bathroom stall getting heated. Hanako pulls away breathlessly, staring at [Name] with half-lidded eyes while grinning. "Hmmm~ you're enjoying this aren't you?~" He teased, placing a finger on her soft lips. "Too bad~ we have to call it a day~"

[Name] whined slightly, just as things were getting excited and Hanako thinks that he has to end her punishment right there. Hanako opens the door of the bathroom stall, his usual cheerful self had returned as if nothing intimate happened. Sometimes his duality can be concerning since he can be childish and the next thing you know he can pin you against the wall.

"And that's why you shouldn't mess with a supernatural you big dummy~" Hanako whispered huskily against her ear, then pulling away with an innocent smile as he put his hat back on. [Name] was flustered when she saw the marks that Hanako littered across her skin and stared at him for an explanation.

Hanako tilted his head, putting a finger near his lips and smiled at her blushing face. "Shhh~"

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